Death Metal

LAEFS is rightly hailed as a classic also, just more melodic and perhaps a bit more "articulate" than DR. Both rule, though.
Swedish Death Metal is not very melodic unless "Swedish Death Metal" to use means Gothenburg and not Stockholm.
I'm not even sure. I was planning to bid on it like two minutes before the end time but I guess it ended sooner than I thought it was going to.
I actually whipped out Dismember's Where Ironcrosses Grow to listen to last night, and it was a lot more straightforward than I remember. Also, a fair deal better than I remember, though I probably dozed off by the 5 track or so. I'll have to give it another listen.
I was going to bid on monstrosity's imperial doom album, it only went for around 24 bucks on ebay but the seller didn't ship to Canada!! What an asshole.
there are only few death metal bands i really enjoy. these are:

Bolt Thrower
Morbid Angel
Old school Stockholm dm is some of the best stuff around.

Music, by definition, is melodic, unless it is music that is purely percussive in nature. Hence, no metal exists that is completly devoid of melody.
Yeah, clearly Krig has no idea what the term melody actually entails. Otherwise Nile wouldn't exist.