Death Metal


Anyone here heard this?
This... this... is fantastic.
Just to give V5 hope/a hardon/ whatever:

I listened to Wormed's myspace and I actually made it through an entire song of pig grunts. It just gets fucking old after even like one song.
ok, i want to know something, I've heard alot of critism of In Flames newer stuff, mostly that they strayed away from their death metal roots, but i've heard good things about their album Jester Race, is it really worth checking out? I want to, but i've been a bit reserved about doing so
It's not an essential album IMO, kind of inconsistent. You'd probably enjoy it, but there's better melodic death out there.
ok, i want to know something, I've heard alot of critism of In Flames newer stuff, mostly that they strayed away from their death metal roots, but i've heard good things about their album Jester Race, is it really worth checking out? I want to, but i've been a bit reserved about doing so

Ignore Ultimate_symphony and get it. Fucking great death metal album, has so many good moments on it - probably the majority of my favourite inflames riffs are on there; before they became more generic melo death.
Has anyone picked up the Sadistic Intent cd that was just released by Iron Pegasus?

Finally being able to have a real copy of their material is great, i've never been able to find any of their stuff before. This release is probably the most darkest evil death metal ever recorded and i recommend every death metal fan to own this cd.
Ignore Ultimate_symphony and get it. Fucking great death metal album, has so many good moments on it - probably the majority of my favourite inflames riffs are on there; before they became more generic melo death.

They were never that great....

Ultimate_Symphony is right... there's a lot better melodic death metal out there.
I've been wearing out Pungent Stench's Been Caught Buttering and For God Your Soul, For Me Your Flesh lately...

High quality stuff.
Vorum will release their first MCD baptized "GRIM DEATH AWAITS" in 8th of April 2009 through Woodcut Records. STAY TUNED!!

Prelisten to the MCD at:

Vorum is a death metal band hailing from Ahvenanmaa Finland and came to existence in the winter of 2006. The three members J.Johansson, M. Jalava and M. Josefsson started rehearsing almost daily and began focusing on writing songs. After a while the band (then under the moniker of Haudankaivaja) did a demo in the summer of 2007 wich contained 7 songs and was recorded by M. Josefssons brother Jesper. This demo was never officially released. The band played a few gigs in Mariehamn and in late February of 2008,
Vorum went to Panu Posti to record a new demo that later came to gather some attention. The demo of 2008 was well received in reviews on internet fanzines like imperiumi. net but as well in magazines such as Miasma, and a few cd-r demos was sent out to people who asked for it. Vorum has had some radio plays in the YleX Metalliliitto show and was seen on the front cover of the finnish metal/rock magazine “Inferno” this year. The latest demo in question is now going to be released as an MCD by Woodcut Records named “GRIM DEATH AWAITS” and it is the bands first official release. Vorum is now slowly but steady writing new material for their debut full-length album.

Death Metal!

VORUM videos available on youtube
I've been wearing out Pungent Stench's Been Caught Buttering and For God Your Soul, For Me Your Flesh lately...

High quality stuff.

I've been wearing out BCB myself. The clean part at the end of 'S.M.A.S.H.' is cool as hell. Hilarious while still being brutal. Love the band.