Death Metal

If you could post The Chasm's set list after the show, I would be very happy. The same show is happening in Chicago in October but it's 21+ and I'm a young'un, so I'll have to wait to see them until 2010.
I have 'Deform In Torture', which is just average.

Went through a phase of really enjoying this one.
Deform In Torture was really the only track that sticks out IMO.

Went through a phase of really enjoying quite a bit of death metal but I think I sort of burned out on it because now if it isn't blackened or similar to Carcass, I'll usually find it sort of boring.
Kind of in a mood to check out some more Death Metal bands that are like Seance. I don't want carbon copy clones, but I enjoy that aggressive upbeatness that they have.

I've never really heard Seance, but if you want aggresive upbeat (by upbeat, I'm assuming you mean that empowering badass sound rather than happy) bands I'd check out:

Arsis, Bolt Thrower, Gojira, Nile (I'm sure you've heard of these)

Demiurg, Evocation, Hail of Bullets, Tribulation

EDIT: By the way, what does everyone think of the band Sympathy? I think they're (or rather he) are/is great.