Death Metal

CP have never been given a fair shake by "true" death metal fans because of who they tour with, and that's it. Because they play shows with bands like Red Chord and Himsa, I've heard them wrote off as metalcore from the beginning. Plus, ANUS nerds hate them because they're fiercely politically liberal. It's all retarded. Cattle Decapitation has always been a death/goregrind band, and they have evolved a lot over their discography, folding in more melodic and progressive elements over the years. If you just don't like em, fine, but don't accuse CP of being some shitty scene act.

When I first listened to them my tastes in death metal were a lot more narrow than these days, but I just didn't like them at all, their over the top approach to supporting a message I wasn't behind didn't help. Now, until this release I hadn't listened to any of their albums all the way through aside from their first couple releases, so maybe I hadn't given them a completely fair shake...but I certainly never compared them to any scene acts.
I suppose I was just annoyed seeing another pointless post about the same rehashed shit AGAIN. Sorry I guess dudes. Anyway, the first Cattle Decapitation I ever heard was the hilarious Testicular Manslaughter intro when I was like 15, so I was immediately was interested. Then I heard Everyone Deserves to Die and the riff just hooked me in. They're a bit on the weird and grindy side for me, but I do enjoy their work.
I like To Serve Man and Humanure the best, but The Harvest Floor and Karma Bloody Karma have some great moments. Those last two albums really showed CP's experimental side, and I think they're better for it.

Given my enjoyment of the new album I'll have to revisit some of their older material, though I still will be doing so hesitantly.

The verdict??

Like it a lot more than the previous album. That said its not standing out as amazing or anything. Right now, while it is nice and catchy here and there, overall the sound is too samey for the record as a whole to shine for me. A few more spins till I give it a score.

Random (probably outlandish) statement / claim : Immolation - Providence and Bloodbath - Unblessing the Purity are among the most solid death metal EPs ever.
Humanure is Cattle's best by far, but the new ones is crushing and a marvelous step forward for the band. They've been a favorite for years now.

I agree with your assessment of Immolation/Bloodbath, as well. I also really like the first Bloodbath EP, but would not list it as highly.
Yeah, most definitely outlandish considering Providence is absolute ass.

As the resident Immolation fellator around here, I must agree. Every song on that EP was top notch, an almost flawless display of chocolatey death metal goodness.

I've heard that Coffin Texts was good, but I've yet to listen. What's it like?
Hey guys, what about slam death like Carnal Disfigurement and Guttural Engorgement? Is anybody here into it?
We really dont talk about the brutal stuff in this thread.

Just saw The Grotesquery released a new album. Why they fuck are their releases so hard to find in the US?