I have never really fucked with Death Metal, but I'm a little bored with my sound vault's variety, so I think I want to dabble....
Here's a list that I came up with for some good DM starter records. Anybody who wants to weigh in on the quality these choices, please do so...
Obituary (Slowly We Rot and Cause Of Death)
Autopsy (Mental Funeral and Severed Survival)
Morbid Angel (Altars of Madness)
Entombed (Left Hand Path)
Grave (Into the Grave)
Death (Scream Bloody Gore)
Asphyx (Last One on Earth)...
Goddammit, get out of here noob. I'm sick of people coming into the middle of the thread and interrupting intelligent discussions with "Dude check out this new band Obituary! CC rocks! Chris Barnes sucks!!11!1" I'm all for bringing new people into this thread, but for fucks sake, quit rehashing the same shit. We have almost 400 pages of discussion and I bet that same exact post has been made like every ten pages. FUCKING. QUIT. Join what we are talking about, not interrupt it with your superficial knowledge of bands you found on Wikipedia.
He's a good musician.
No actually he's fucking terrible. Everything he has ever done was a tribute to simple things and even that he fucked up. Everything he has ever done was a pile of crap and whenever he was a member of some band it became shitty. He is the biggest failure of metal history. Unfortunately, some people still think he's something more than a dicksucking worm.
I think you fellas misunderstood my intent. It's like this: if you want to become a scientist, you don't walk into a research lab and tell the guys working that a good place to start is the table of elements. They already know that shit. And he wasn't asking for a place to start, he was telling us. It's just another noob that wants to put in his two cents, hence the RIDICULOUS emoticon abuse.
I have never really fucked with Death Metal, but I'm a little bored with my sound vault's variety, so I think I want to dabble....
Here's a list that I came up with for some good DM starter records. Anybody who wants to weigh in on the quality these choices, please do so...
Obituary (Slowly We Rot and Cause Of Death)
Autopsy (Mental Funeral and Severed Survival)
Morbid Angel (Altars of Madness)
Entombed (Left Hand Path)
Grave (Into the Grave)
Death (Scream Bloody Gore)
Asphyx (Last One on Earth)...
I think you fellas misunderstood my intent. It's like this: if you want to become a scientist, you don't walk into a research lab and tell the guys working that a good place to start is the table of elements. They already know that shit. And he wasn't asking for a place to start, he was telling us. It's just another noob that wants to put in his two cents, hence the RIDICULOUS emoticon abuse. If he wanted recs, look back on the 400 pages of shit we've accumulated instead of being pathetically redundant. I'm all for helping new guys get into heavier stuff, but just don't be a dipshit about. Didn't mean to rant before. End of my explaining supposedly being stupid, and no, I'm not, I hope you see where I'm coming from more.
On a more related note, that Cattle Decapitation stuff looks really good so far, "A living, breathing piece of defacating meat" was rather excellent on first listen. I've enjoyed a fair amount of their work before, especially To Serve Man.
CP have never been given a fair shake by "true" death metal fans because of who they tour with, and that's it. Because they play shows with bands like Red Chord and Himsa, I've heard them wrote off as metalcore from the beginning. Plus, ANUS nerds hate them because they're fiercely politically liberal. It's all retarded. Cattle Decapitation has always been a death/goregrind band, and they have evolved a lot over their discography, folding in more melodic and progressive elements over the years. If you just don't like em, fine, but don't accuse CP of being some shitty scene act.