Death Metal

I haven't listened to anything new lately, please throw some recommendations at me.

Ignivomous - Contragenesis
Horrendous - The Chills
Anhedonist - Netherwards

Fixed Ignivomous' new one's Title. Great album indeed. The Chills also kicks ass. I'll check the Anhedonist.

Some more 2012 releases recs:

Hour of Penance - Sedition
Asphyx - Deathhammer
Goatwhore - Blood for the Master
Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis
Unleashed - Odalheim
Yeah, sounds pretty good. I know Incantation guys are also recording their new album, according to their official Facebook page there's a few drum tracks complete. Not sure when it's going to be out though.
Yeah, sounds pretty good. I know Incantation guys are also recording their new album, according to their official Facebook page there's a few drum tracks complete. Not sure when it's going to be out though.

I didn't know about that one! Great news.
New shit I've liked so far this year not yet listed

Cardiac Arrest - Vortex of Violence
Skullhog - The Evil Dead (way too short)
Cannibal Corpse - Torture
Napalm Death - Utilitarian (big surprise here, I'm not a fan of the band)
Desecresy - The Doom Skeptron (why arent you faggots talking about this? granted it may not even be out yet, it's Slugathor's reincarnation, and their first album was fantastic)
Intestinal - The Rottening
The Grotesquery - The Facts and Terrifying Testament of Mason Hamilton: Tsathoggua Tales
Begrime Exemious - Visions of the Scourge

This doesnt seem to be the best year for death metal so far.
New shit I've liked so far this year not yet listed

Cardiac Arrest - Vortex of Violence
Skullhog - The Evil Dead (way too short)
Cannibal Corpse - Torture
Napalm Death - Utilitarian (big surprise here, I'm not a fan of the band)
Desecresy - The Doom Skeptron (why arent you faggots talking about this? granted it may not even be out yet, it's Slugathor's reincarnation, and their first album was fantastic)
Intestinal - The Rottening
The Grotesquery - The Facts and Terrifying Testament of Mason Hamilton: Tsathoggua Tales
Begrime Exemious - Visions of the Scourge

This doesnt seem to be the best year for death metal so far.

I didn't know about Desecresy, will check it. Napalm Death and Grotesquery are ordered, should arrive in a month. I quite like the new CC, need to spin it more. And yes, poor year so far.
I thought it had been a pretty decent year at least. Especially considering how much more is to come. New Imprecation=yea verily. New Incantation=HNNNNNNG.

Also, according to their Facebook, Grave has a new album in the works.
I'm actually slightly looking forward to the new Cryptopsy. I know there's still no worm but from all accounts the current vocalist is sounding a lot better these days having Jon back might be the shot in the arm they needed. I didn't get any bad impressions from the artwork and tracklisting, remember OWN was already pretty wierd if you think about it, and I really like that album so maybe now they're ready to give us a proper follow up to it and we can all forget..."the incident."

That aside I'm more looking forward to the new GORGUTS. Fucking put it out already! Its been done for a while apparently, or am I wrong?
Also, according to their Facebook, Grave has a new album in the works.

Gonna see their show on Sunday (Grave+Samael). Hope they bring some cool merch with them. A new Grave album's always welcome.

That aside I'm more looking forward to the new GORGUTS. Fucking put it out already! Its been done for a while apparently, or am I wrong?

Can't fucking wait for the new Gorguts, great stuff. And the new Dying Fetus. :muahaha:
Any opinion on Nocturnal Vomit - Cursed Relics? Pretty good OSDM from Greece despite the name :P. Asphyx fans will probably not hate it atleast.

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