Death Metal

Every year I hear the same thing over and over. Every single year is a crappy year for death metal, apparently.

What would you guys like to hear, in terms of a new direction for Death Metal.. that hasn't really been done yet?

I'm interested, because I've just recently shifted gears (from prog rock).. and started composing/producing Metal. It's my own take, on Death Metal in-particular.

What kinds of changes would you like to hear, that would make it interesting again?

Changes? Fuck that. Refine. This notion of "change" is bullshit because if we keep changing and branching out... it ain't really death any more. I'm not saying ape the old, but look at a band like Ulcerate or Portal. Unmistakably death metal, not reinventing the wheel, but doing their own thing and making it unbelievably amazing.

What would I like to see and hear? Bands that just make what they think sounds heavy and crushing. If that sound happens to fall within the "death" bracket, so be it. As for my DM, I like it mid-paced, elephants-marching heavy, with ultra-low vox and the occasional Suffo-style breakdown. I don't care if it's not crazy innovative. At the end of the day I'm more likely to listen to a Zombie Inc or a Funerus than a Gorguts. Just my 2 cents.
Portal is one of the rare instances of wildly unorthodox working really well, though they don't stray as far from the standard "path" as many seem to think, tbh.

In terms of where the genre needs to go, just listen to Graves of the Archangels to see how a truly brilliant work can arise from subtle fine-tunings of archetypes laid down by those during the "golden era". The analogous case in black metal is Engram, for what it's worth.
I'd also rather hear the same old shit than weird, outlandish stuff. Death metal to me isn't about being innovative or new. Just playing something GOOD. It doesn't matter if it really is overdone material, if it sounds like they put a good effort into and gets my head nodding, I'll at least consider it somewhat decent. I never really liked any avante-garde bands or even anything symphonic or with different instruments. I guess I'm a boring death metal fan then.

Also. Just got back from CIM this weekend, will share details later. Imprecation and Incantation need to release their shit already. Pumped as shit to hear the new Gorephilia, always loved them. Album art is badass as well. Some shit coming out that no one has mentioned:

Grave: Endless Procession of Souls
The Faceless: Autotheism
Purtenance: Sacrifice the King (EP)
Hooded Menace: Effigies of Evil
Illdisposed: Sense the Darkness
Arkaik: Metamorphignition
Rings of Saturn: Dingir
Morbus Chron: A Saunter Through the Shroud (EP)
Massacre-Condemned to the Shadows
Teitanblood-Woven Black Arteries (Compilation)
Father Befouled-Revulsions of Seraphic Grace (already out, wtf, how did I miss this?!?!)

I'd say it's definitely not a bad year considering what's coming, not to mention the Cannibal Corpse and Asphyx albums that kicked ass and all the new and upcoming slam and random releases that are too numerous or irrelevant to list here. Hell, even Six Feet Under's new one was waaaaaay up a notch for them. I'd say it's a damn good year.
Some of the bands you've suggested surprise me. A lot of it sorta falls into a style I'm trying to get away from.. Progressive, long, moody tracks.. :lol:

Maybe I should change the question...

What are the things that you are hearing too much of in modern Death Metal, that you are bored of?

My dislikes are.. just about anything with a 'breakdown'. Mixed clean and growling vocals (just fucking pick a vocal style already).. and overly complicated stuff, with no rhythm, song structure or melody.. which just gets really hard to listen to after a while.

Though, I can handle lack of melody if the overall production and structure of the tune is well thought out.. so you don't really miss it.

Also.. I can understand wanting to hear Death Metal return more to it's original roots (you guys are kinda sounding 'old'.. like me.. :heh:).. but wouldn't doing that run the risk of just sounding.. dated?. and then you're kind of back to the 'tiring' stage?
In terms of where the genre needs to go, just listen to Graves of the Archangels to see how a truly brilliant work can arise from subtle fine-tunings of archetypes laid down by those during the "golden era". The analogous case in black metal is Engram, for what it's worth.

I would pick these two albums too. :kickass:

What are the things that you are hearing too much of in modern Death Metal, that you are bored of?

I generally can't stand when a death metal band has nothing standing out in their music. When their sound is not original enough to be recognized in the huge amount of death metal bands. For instance, when I hear new Aborted or new Dying Fetus, I think to myself "oh yeah, some more death metal" and I have no reason to ever listen to it again. It can be produced well or whatever, but it's just too generic.

My dislikes are.. just about anything with a 'breakdown'. Mixed clean and growling vocals (just fucking pick a vocal style already).. and overly complicated stuff, with no rhythm, song structure or melody.. which just gets really hard to listen to after a while.

I hate mixed vocals too. But I love chaotic stuff. Not prog-wise, just riff-wise. Something bludgeoning to either concentrate on or just get lost in the abyss of it.
Is, "Graves of the Archangels", the Dead Congregation song? Not sure if I'm listening to the right stuff (couldn't find a band by that name).. trying to track these suggestions down on youtube.

I hate mixed vocals too. But I love chaotic stuff. Not prog-wise, just riff-wise. Something bludgeoning to either concentrate on or just get lost in the abyss of it.

Yeah.. I'm definitely into crazy, heavy riffing as well. I've always gravitated toward Metal bands that have that sort of style.

I hear it a lot more in Extreme Metal.. which is something I've just recently gotten into (past couple years). So I'm still really a noob to the Extreme thing.

I've listened to Metal for most of my life.. but I just couldn't get into the cookie monster vocal thing back then. Once I really started seriously listening, and aquired a taste for it.. it was hard to go back to listening to the clean vocal stuff. It just doesn't have the impact the growling stuff has.

I also think that growling, unintelligible vocals help put more focus on the actual music (as a whole).. and helps to balance out a songs production.

Sorta weird how I've developed a liking for certain types of growling.. from the different types that I've heard. There's definitely some types that sound really terrible to me.. :lol:

Anyway.. thanks for the continued info and suggestions. I'm about half way through my album production, and this sort of discussion helps me further define and inspire what I'm trying to do.

You guys are pretty much experts IMO, considering how long you've been listening to these various Extreme styles.. and the collections you've acquired over the years..

..I really appreciate your time. :worship:
I hate mixed vocals too. But I love chaotic stuff. Not prog-wise, just riff-wise. Something bludgeoning to either concentrate on or just get lost in the abyss of it.

I tend to get really bored with repeated chugging or trem riffs, especially when you can guess how the whole thing is going to sound from the first couple notes. I love riffing variety, but it has to mesh well together.
I would pick these two albums too. :kickass:

I generally can't stand when a death metal band has nothing standing out in their music. When their sound is not original enough to be recognized in the huge amount of death metal bands. For instance, when I hear new Aborted or new Dying Fetus, I think to myself "oh yeah, some more death metal" and I have no reason to ever listen to it again. It can be produced well or whatever, but it's just too generic.

I hate mixed vocals too. But I love chaotic stuff. Not prog-wise, just riff-wise. Something bludgeoning to either concentrate on or just get lost in the abyss of it.

Seriously dude, like them or not Dying Fetus is one of the most instantly recognizable death metal bands Ive ever heard.
Sinister announced a new album. Haven't listened to them much, but I liked what I heard. Opinions?


Also, found album art for Deeds of Flesh's upcoming Portal to Canaan.

I'm a big fan of Sinister, dig most of their Albums. Last one was a letdown, though. I'll definitely check the new one, hope they get back to their usual quality releases. Oh and the cover looks...weird? :confused:
Seriously dude, like them or not Dying Fetus is one of the most instantly recognizable death metal bands Ive ever heard.

I'd say the same about Aborted concerning Global Flatline and Goremagheddon. Those albums have a very distinct sound that is largely unique to the band. Don't know what he is talking about.