Death Metal

What the heck?

Anyways, lately I've been having a hard time finding tech death bands I don't already know about...any suggestions?

*digs in depths of brain for suggestion to dude who knows a lot with awesome taste*



Vortex (Jpn)
Fractal Point
Draco Hypnalis
What the heck?

Anyways, lately I've been having a hard time finding tech death bands I don't already know about...any suggestions?

Anata and Augury are bands worth checking out, though they may seem like fairly obvious choices. Gory Blister and Pavor are top notch tech death as well.

Edit: Pitbulls In The Nursery as well. They just sprung to mind after I hit the post button.
Anata and Augury are bands worth checking out, though they may seem like fairly obvious choices. Gory Blister and Pavor are top notch tech death as well.

Edit: Pitbulls In The Nursery as well. They just sprung to mind after I hit the post button.

I'm gonna bet you like 5 bucks Eric's heard all of those.

But they ARE all great picks ;)
I'm gonna bet you like 5 bucks Eric's heard all of those.

But they ARE all great picks ;)
You win $5!:lol:

The Faceless....idk, some of their stuff can be good, but overall they're a bit weak. They should get rid of the breakdowns as well. Keyboards are good but overdone.

I found Neoplasmah rather boring. I listened to Sidereal Passage and promptly deleted it after finishing.

I like Vortex and Fractal Point, but I've only heard a few songs since I haven't been able to find their music to download. Fractal Point seems more like progressive death to me. They remind me of Quo Vadis a bit.

Spawn of Possession is good, but I prefer Visceral Bleeding - Transcend into Ferocity over everything they've done. Absorbing the Disarray isn't very good, though. Too squealy and the new vocalist is annoying.

I am bored of Necrophagist. They are very talented, but are lacking something (I'm thinking songwriting...). Plus the solos are nothing but sweeps, which is annoying. Sweeps are fine, but not if that's all you do; it makes the solos way too predictable...and that kinda defeats the entire purpose of soloing. I did enjoy seeing them live a few years ago, though. Their cds really do not capture the energy they have live. They really need to release something new...even an ep would be nice.

I will check out Disaffected and the other ones you mentioned.

Severe Torture has been getting pretty technical with their last few releases, particularly Sworn Vengeance. They are still quite brutal, though.
The Faceless....idk, some of their stuff can be good, but overall they're a bit weak. They should get rid of the breakdowns as well. Keyboards are good but overdone.

I thought you loved The Faceless. All this conversing, and I have kept my mouth shut because I thought you dug them. Good to see I was wrong.
I thought you loved The Faceless. All this conversing, and I have kept my mouth shut because I thought you dug them. Good to see I was wrong.

That one fusion song they did was really good (I believe it's Akeldama, the instrumental one). It's really the only one I'd want to listen to regularly.

Regardless, I still think they are pretty talented, but need a push in the right direction.
They're basically progressive deathcore, so that's where you get the breakdowns from. Fractal Point are prog/tech DM, yeah...good shit.
Tell that to all the jock fag bands throwing breakdowns in carelessly...there are bands doing it worse than least they can play!
Can someone please explain to me why Cryptopsy has such a shitty vocalist now? Much less a female keyboardist? What is this world coming to...:erk: