Death Metal

Yeah, they're one of my favourite death metal bands. Icons of Evil is their latest album, it has Glen Benton on vocals and it's in a similar vein to Deicide (but better, in my opinion)

I think most of it is up on YouTube, definitely worth checking out. The lead guitarist, Dave Suzuki (also the drummer) is fucking amazing.
Plus, look at the fucking album cover...


You can't get much better than that! :lol:
Aye, Considered Dead is awesome.

Never got into Vital Remains?! I'd act surprised, but I'm not really haha nobody seems to give a shit about them apart from me haha I think they're amazing though. Well, i think Dave Suzuki is amazing.
OK, but I have to wonder what is that you are looking for in the vocals. It's not that Amon Amarth, Death and Opeth have much in common style-wise.

How does one hate Land of Tears??? :bah: :p

Amazing musicianship........lacking vocals...... I dunno man, somehting about most death vocals just bothers me. *shrug*
That was a pretty badass song though. The slow part was epic.
Vital Remains are pretty good, but their songs are sooooooo long. I prefer Deicide to be honest (although Dechristianize and Icons of Evil are epic songs)
Keenan approves as well! (even though that doesn't mean much :lol: )

Whats the general consensus of Amon Amarth here? Yay, nay?
I have the 3 newest albums, and I'm addicted to em :lol: They're fucking awesome. :kickass:
No? Its kind of a niche thing I guess, but to each their own.

Covet? Podgie? Anyone else? Thoughts?
Amon Amarth are a great band, I have all of their albums XD Once Sent From The Golden Hall is my personal favourite album.
I like some of that pagan/viking metal stuff.

Primordial for example. But they're not your prototypical viking/pagan metal band really. They don't make drinking songs or sing about vanquishing things in the name of old gods.

I went to Pagan Fest and was just astounded by the kind of half-ass shtick a lot of these bands put on. 'WE ENDORSE THE OLD WAYS! NOW BUY OUR MERCH MADE IN CHINA! AND LET'S DO SOME JAEGER SHOTS!"