Demo of Steven Slate Drums 3.5 with "Advanced AMG" mode..


Jan 2, 2007
Hey guys, here is a little demo we just made showing off how natural the playability of SSD 3.5 is with the new advanced amg anti machine gun mode. With this new mode its near impossible to get unatural machine like sounds.. It also shows the increased velocity smoothing in 3.5 making the most natural realistic response for the ultimate in drum tones.. We chose for this example the TONEDEF kit..

3.5 is a free update and is out very soon
Awesome stuff!

I look forward to see how AMG mode will work with more metal orientated drum samples.
willing to perform fellatio for SSD. Any taker? Slate? just close your eyes and pretend im tera patrick. You wont know the difference. Promise.
willing to perform fellatio for SSD. Any taker? Slate? just close your eyes and pretend im tera patrick. You wont know the difference. Promise.

Pm me :lol:

Steven I got a problem loading presets.

"This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded unless the respective Library is registered properly"
I hate to be pushy Steven, but do you have an estimation on when you will be able to release 3.5? Every day I wake up and hope that it is the day where I no longer have to wait forever and a half for kontakt player to load all the samples.