Demo of Steven Slate Drums 3.5 with "Advanced AMG" mode..

thats Glen Sobel playing... he makes it sound almost easy!

We are so close to releasing EX. Our main studio computer motherboard fried on Thursday so we are a bit behind, but its really close.
Can you install SSD 3.0 on two computers? I tried putting it on my other PC and it says all accounts have already been used

Psyched about 3.5 btw!
I've never been pleased about an exchange rate before lol

*canes download speed*


I shit you not.
Licence Agreement For Steven Slate Drum Samples:

- Do not use the drum sample disc to harm others, such as hitting them with the disc or closing the disc's case on their fingers.
:lol: :notworthy
3.0 is no slouch, and the programming is good. Round Robin and velocity programming is quite a complex thing to code, especially for a non drummer. But both of the code and program guys behind 3.5 ARE drummers, and this is why the playability is now so much more natural and responsive.

We are very close to a release date for EX, and for both Platinum and LE upgrades to 3.5... New Platinum Retail in mid august..

Free upgrades to 3.5 for all 3.0 users. Fun stuff.

Gabriel and many of the talented folks here, thanks for the support and expect great things.

Try read the thread before posting!
Well all Slate said is "very close", and dare I say we've heard that before :D But don't misunderstand, I'd rather wait longer if the quality will be better, I'm just really eager!