Demo of Steven Slate Drums 3.5 with "Advanced AMG" mode..

Last night chatting with dandelium
we were really surprised that the gogs of slate drums only have 4 (or 5 , i dont remember exactly)
samples per every degree of "hardness" hitting the drums :S
i mean why not do 10 or 15? sure it will reduce the "machine gun effect" A LOT
I really expect that the rock and metal expansions will have more samples per velocity

dont misunderstand me...i love slate drums :3
my recording are like 100 fucking times better that before

Yep, that REALLY sucks.
I mean, it sounds awesome, but too few samples of each velocity layer. I guess 20 samples of each velocity would be awesome, absolutely not machinegun effect.
Yep, that REALLY sucks.
I mean, it sounds awesome, but too few samples of each velocity layer. I guess 20 samples of each velocity would be awesome, absolutely not machinegun effect.

5 is more than enough... There are never 2 of the same sample played in a row with the SSD player anyways, even with 20 samples it would still sound the same, a bunch of different samples played after each other, just repeating less often. After hearing 5 snare hits in a row there's no way you could actually hear the 6th hit and say "Damn that was the same as hit 1!"....
Even with the current 3.0, our basic round robin and velocity layering makes it pretty slick sounding. BUT, our advanced AMG anti machine gun mode debuting in 3.5 is physically modeled and makes the playing extremely natural combined with our new advanced velocity layering.. take a listen to the Tonedef snare hits from the demo posted... the word machine gun won't even be in your vocabulary :)

Not to mention, there are more hits available in the virtual instrument then in GOG and WAV..

And with the new K3.5 player, compatibility issues are a thing of the past, it works great with Pro Tools, and most important, the load times and CPU useage are less then half!!
Why would you do that? That's total bullshit to me, as a customer. Just because I want to use gogs instead of the retarded kontakt player means I get shafted on sample count?

How many samples can a Gog file support? Perhaps that has something to do with it?

Settle down, Beavis! :lol:
How many samples can a Gog file support? Perhaps that has something to do with it?

Settle down, Beavis! :lol:

Definitely more than 5 samples per velocity layer, I'll tell you that much!

At the end of the day, I can't stand the kontakt player and would much rather print my own replacements to disc using drumagog or even apTrigga.

I love and use drumtracker, but it takes more work thanjust sticking drumagog on an insert and bouncing the replaced file.
I just want the deluxe metal kits and hoping that the overheads/cymbals in them are mo' better sounding than the current ones...

also agreed that the anti-machinge gun thing is kind of a joke when toontrack hasn't had a problem with machine guning with their software for a long, long time... it's not any revolutionary feature... it's just what it should have been to begin with.... but any and all improvements are definitely welcome
I just want the deluxe metal kits and hoping that the overheads/cymbals in them are mo' better sounding than the current ones...

also agreed that the anti-machinge gun thing is kind of a joke when toontrack hasn't had a problem with machine guning with their software for a long, long time... it's not any revolutionary feature... it's just what it should have been to begin with.... but any and all improvements are definitely welcome

I'd say that a big part of the machine gun effect comes from the pre-mixed samples. When you run a fast fill through a compressor you get a different sound than if you'd process the snare with the compressor, and then do the fill. Five samples per velocity isn't really a lot though, and that can further emphasize that issue.
1.When the routing and the cpu-usage is fixed I give the KI player another try for real recording session (I use it for demos for my band)
2.For metal/hc stuff I mostly do, I never head problems with machine gun effects!!!!
3.More samples in the KI player then in the gogs is not so cool.
4.The new demo of you sounds GREAT!!!!!very realistic
And one big compliment!!!!

When I´m sending my band-members demo songs (made with your samples in the KI player)
they almost love every song because of the great sound!!!!

And I only use the stereo-out (because of routing trouble) and put the waves ssl-comp on it (and the waves api 2500 on the mastering chain)
few things..

Mr. DSS3, if you can't make good sounding drums using the provided SSD GOGS, I'd have a hard time assuming it is the GOGS fault. From the Jonas Brothers to Carrie Underwood to Devil Driver.. you're hearing my samples... and I'm happy to report that there have been no complaints from anyone about lack of layers or anything of this nature... and btw the difference is very mininal between the Kontakt Player numbers and GOGs... VERY minimal... So easy with the shafting..

As I have said in the past, I stand behind my products 100% and have continuously made efforts to make things better. 3.5 is the next step, and its a big one.

3.0 is no slouch, and the programming is good. Round Robin and velocity programming is quite a complex thing to code, especially for a non drummer. But both of the code and program guys behind 3.5 ARE drummers, and this is why the playability is now so much more natural and responsive.

We are very close to a release date for EX, and for both Platinum and LE upgrades to 3.5... New Platinum Retail in mid august..

Free upgrades to 3.5 for all 3.0 users. Fun stuff.

Gabriel and many of the talented folks here, thanks for the support and expect great things.