Desert Island Albums


You both just got fucking owned.
Sometimes it's not about the influence of a given band, but how much you enjoy their music.
Actually, forget "sometimes".
I'd agree however that a lot of pioneering bands are pretty great. But then again, some of those bands simply sound dated and unexciting. It all depends on the stage at which you were exposed to a certain band.
1. Carcass - Necroticism
2. Candlemass - Nightfall
3. Pentagram - Relentless
4. Cathedral - Carnival Bizarre
5. Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory
6. Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
7. Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
8. Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
9. Motorhead - Better Live Than Motorhead
10. Slayer - South of Heaven
Did you get the newest Candlemass DVD yet ? The 20th Anniversary gig ? Awesome! Plus - extra special bonus geek points if anyone can tell me who the guy with the Australian flag is ?

(I know) ;)
No, I'll get to that some day.I've started digging into some prog/psych rock from 70s, which has proven to be an intriguing distraction from all this metal.
I only own Candlemass' first two albums. Awesomeness. I'll have to get that Pentagram album some time soon as well. Have Day of Reckoning and it rocks.
You're in for an absolute treat then: Pentagram is much, much better than Day of Reckoning.

As I recall, there was a version of the two albums available together on one of the Peaceville re-releases. I got the most recent rereleases after having owned them both on tape some time ago.
Yea, I bought the Peaceville reissue of Day of Reckoning as well in a pretty cool digipak.
I may even make the other Pentagram album my next buy then. I also ordered some Trouble, but they haven't arrived yet.
Pink Floyd is the greatest rock band that ever existed

No way in hell. They had quite their share of overpretentious crap (i.e. most of The Wall). They also didn't have a whole lot of passion and energy behind their sound; it was all fairly slick and overproduced, which kind of takes away from the depth of it if you ask me.

The Beatles are the greatest rock band that ever existed. That's a given.

Hard to argue against that, really, given how revolutionary they were, and successful at experimenting. What kills them for me, though, is that nearly everything they did just sounds really sappy and optimistic. It doesn't fit my personality at all.

No, I'll get to that some day.I've started digging into some prog/psych rock from 70s, which has proven to be an intriguing distraction from all this metal.
I only own Candlemass' first two albums. Awesomeness. I'll have to get that Pentagram album some time soon as well. Have Day of Reckoning and it rocks.

Don't forget about the Moody Blues. They wrote so many great melodies, it's ridiculous. And it's not just the overplayed shit like "Nights in White Satin" I'm talking about. Give A Question of Balance or To Our Children's Children's Children a try sometime if you're interested.