Did you know...

UndoControl said:
Then again, that's just the stupid ideology Americans are trying to impose on the world.

i'm not a fan of the mtv-era of capitalism, but this remark is completely beside the point. forms of manic obsession towards collecting items because of their popularity did not originate in the unites states, and had festered in europe long before. calling an anomaly of free trade perpetrated by a bunch of silly millionaires an "ideology" is just ridiculous.
Wrong word? I'm so terribly sorry, oh master of words. I shall never use the word "ideology" in that context again.

Seriously, though.. my point was that it's stupid to buy stuff for 587649085768037 times its price just koz it belonged to [insert name of celebrity here].
UndoControl said:
Wrong word? I'm so terribly sorry, oh master of words. I shall never use the word "ideology" in that context again.

you can use it at your leisure. i just wanted to point out that yours up there was a trite stereotype. i don't expect you to be shocked by this information or anything.
this is not a 'did you know' but rather a 'did you notice' that the allegedly context-sensitive ads by google at the top of the forum page are completely stupid? :lol: for example, for the current last page of the feeling threads the ads link me to 'electronic sirens' because siren posted quite a lot on the page.
well, yes. :)
i remember that someone actually had a theory that out of nothing might be a version of ex nihilo with vocals when the character track listing was made public.

it's not "out of" in the same sense, though...