Did you know...

^ DYK that, according to Robin Williams (as seen on broadway, and yes, this is a joke), it's not 72 virgins, it's 72 virginians?
^Maybe they were, still 72 Virginians, or West Virginians would still beat the shit out of any homicide bomber...in heaven, that is...
DYK - During WWI, allied soldiers, in order to protect themselves from lethal gases attack, had to improvise themselves gas-masks by using cloths imbibed by their own urine?
DYK that torino, hometown of master rahvin and myself, once was the capital of italy? i followed the capital to rome, rahvin probably got too disappointed so he will be going to america. :lol:
DYK: Terra forming of Mars is impractical because Mars does not possess a geomagnetic shield like the Earth's, which protects the planet's organisms and atmosphere from the solar wind. Any atmospheric production on Mars would certainly be a losing battle by constant exposure to the solar wind and large scale solar events that would bombard and strip away Martian atmosphere.
DYK that there are some interesting ideas (for example, to tent cities and then coat the tenting with materials that capture radioactivity and other solar events and use them to produce electric energy) which would allow for organisms to live on Mars?

The atmosphere-stripping issue is still a problem, as far as i know, though.
DYK That if, instead of saying : "he lost his life in a car accident" we'd say "he gained death in a car accident" it would change the whole perspective of life and death?