Dimmu Borgir - Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

Guess what time it is? It's time for school, bitch!

"Progenies" is plural for "Progeny" which means "offspring"

....the more you know, the more you grow

I guess a band isn't REAL black metal unless, instead of using keyboards and other methods to create dark atmospheres, they just pointlessly scream. And I don't mean screaming the lyrics, I mean just plain screaming.
Psychonaut said:
The whole album is pretty damn good. Get the complete uncensored version of the video if you can. It's much better than the one shown on Headbanger's Ball. I forget where I got mine but it's out there.
Was this a download? Or was it something you bought?:erk:
I had something like 90 samplers that I have been dropping off at local record stores for the label. Kinda cool reactions from people after they check out the two tracks. Some are just "afraid." I don't know why.:Spin: They just say they are "fuckin' evil!" :yell: Others really dig it & have ordered the complete disc!:rock:
It's kinda funny how HBB has become 120 min sponsored by Century Media & Nuclearblast!:worship:
Stay Heavy Bastids!:p
"I guess a band isn't REAL black metal unless, instead of using keyboards and other methods to create dark atmospheres, they just pointlessly scream. And I don't mean screaming the lyrics, I mean just plain screaming".

Oh my God, I'm speachless... that was a joke right?

... the album is on the way! can't wait to get it
Edgecrusher said:
Guess what time it is? It's time for school, bitch!

"Progenies" is plural for "Progeny" which means "offspring"

....the more you know, the more you grow

I guess a band isn't REAL black metal unless, instead of using keyboards and other methods to create dark atmospheres, they just pointlessly scream. And I don't mean screaming the lyrics, I mean just plain screaming.
You know what's really cool?! Lying down in the middle of a motorway! Seriously, if you do it you'll have my total respect.