DISSECTION Frontman Jon Nödtveidt Commits Suicide?

I would think someone who's done hard time would be strong enough to overcome this kind of urge. Then again no-one ever knows what rules the world of any one individual but that individual himself. I've been unpleasantly surprised by this kind of news before concerning people I knew better than Mr. Nötveidt to say the least.
I'm not one to judge anyone who chooses to end his or her journey like this. It cannot be an easy choice to make. For all I know, they must have been pushed to the limit, even if it's only in their own perception, and unfortunately this causes them to disregard the effect their action will have on the ones they leave behind. Regardless, may they rest in peace.
and i was just starting to really get into their older music.. especially the somberlain..oh well. that's really too bad..how old was he?
sdmf2 said:
if he did or didnt, either way its a lame stunt. still, better if its not true... we dont want a metal Kurt Cobain

We already do, Dead from Mayhem did shoot himself in the head with a shotgun.
BurningWitch said:
We already do, Dead from Mayhem did shoot himself in the head with a shotgun.

Damn, you beat me to it.

But yeah, it's official:
"On the 16th of August 2006, he was found dead by an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound inside a circle of lit candles. Dissection's official website later confirmed his death."

Source: Wikipedia

It's unfortunate that people choose to take their own life for whatever reason. If it was because of the band, it's a shame that he didn't realize that with the death of most bands, the birth of numerous ones begin (Vehemence, Immortal, etc)
It seems like Kvarforth from Shining may have gone down the same path too, unfortunately - www.shiningangst.se

I don't know how that band intends to continue without him, as he IS (or was) Shining. Some the most twisted, tortured, darkest black metal I've ever heard.

Whilst we're still on the topic, I'm glad Glen Benton didn't knock himself off at 33 (or whatever age it was supposed to be) as sounds like the new Deicide album completely shits on everything they did for Roadrunner over the past few years.
AshDLS said:
It seems like Kvarforth from Shining may have gone down the same path too, unfortunately - www.shiningangst.se

I don't know how that band intends to continue without him, as he IS (or was) Shining. Some the most twisted, tortured, darkest black metal I've ever heard.

Whilst we're still on the topic, I'm glad Glen Benton didn't knock himself off at 33 (or whatever age it was supposed to be) as sounds like the new Deicide album completely shits on everything they did for Roadrunner over the past few years.

I remember seeing him say that in an article. Honestly, who plans the day that far in advance? Do you know why he was going to do that, or what his intentions were?
Apparently 33 is the age at which Jesus died (in turn, of course, bringing me lots of chocolate at Easter, but he'll have to do a lot more dying to clear me of my sins, heh) but I don't quite understand what that's got to do with Benton's dislike of him and his threatened suicide.