

Sep 13, 2005
Atlanta, GA
As we've all seen over the past few years, more and more folks on this board are starting to 'accept' the growlies -- Mercenary, Scar Symmetry, Solution 45, Ihsahn, Insomnium, etc are all praised by forum regulars. That said, there hasn't been too much of a crossover from the 'melo-' bands to traditional death/black. Nothing wrong with that, you like what you like, and this is a for a melodic metal festival, so it's expected. I do think that most of you who have started to incorporate the more extreme stuff into your daily listening are making a HUGE mistake by ignoring Dissection.

They have two universally praised classics, The Somberlain and Storm of the Light's Bane and one of the most controversial releases of the 2000's with Reinkaos. I'm not going to talk about SotLB or Somberlain. They are great records in their own right. It is my belief that Reinkaos is their finest moment. This is not an opinion shared by 99% of Dissection fans but frankly, it also has the songs most accessible to this board.

Do you like melodic guitar leads? Evil and expertly executed but CLEAR harsh vocals? Complete and total devotion to art? Visual, lyrical, and aesthetic perfection? Begin your journey....

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One of my favorite metal bands of all time, and where I got my username from! And unlike most OG fans, I actually loved Reinkaos when it came out (it's really sad to think that Adrian Bromley was their PR guy back then, so many legends are gone :( ) If you ask me, this is what Carcass' "Swansong" should have sounded like. If there was ever such a thing as Death & Roll done right, this is it.
Solid music, but honestly it's shadowed by the fact that their leader was one of the biggest pieces of shit members of the metal scene to have ever lived. Good riddance.
No it isn't.

Depends on one's tolerance for such things. For example, I get the impression that I'd probably like Burzum's music, but I have a problem giving money and attention to an individual I find to be utterly repugnant. I personally feel the same way about Nödtveidt, but others certainly don't share this view.
I think music is very personal. I've gone through certain periods without listening to bands I really enjoyed for reasons that went beyond the actual music. For instance, I was sure a certain prog release was going to be my album of the year in 2011. Due to certain circumstances that happened and that are related to that band, I can't stomach even a half a song now... and if you sit and tell me that you're a huge music fan and you don't care about any other "outside factors" when it comes to a band you like, I call BS. :)
Depends on one's tolerance for such things. For example, I get the impression that I'd probably like Burzum's music, but I have a problem giving money and attention to an individual I find to be utterly repugnant. I personally feel the same way about Nödtveidt, but others certainly don't share this view.

Well first of all, you wouldn't be giving money to him, because he's dead. Second of all, he got involved with the wrong people when he was a kid, made some really dumb decisions, but paid the price for that. He has a family who loved him and he loved them back, and he genuinely cared about his fans. I'm not sure why he should be treated like someone like Varg who just sits around writing racist shit to troll people. By all accounts, Nödtveidt was a good person who rolled with bad guys during the 90's. But he paid his dues and went to jail for that.
and if you sit and tell me that you're a huge music fan and you don't care about any other "outside factors" when it comes to a band you like, I call BS. :)

No, it's actually pretty easy to separate the art from the artist, and if you refuse to admit that, *I* call BS. I know for a fact you own Apple products (as do I - and most everyone else on this board!) and they have way more blood on their hands than every 90's black metal musician combined. :p
No, it's actually pretty easy to separate the art from the artist, and if you refuse to admit that, *I* call BS. I know for a fact you own Apple products (as do I - and most everyone else on this board!) and they have way more blood on their hands than every 90's black metal musician combined. :p

:lol::lol: Good point there. Lunch will be interested this week, bro.
I think music is very personal. I've gone through certain periods without listening to bands I really enjoyed for reasons that went beyond the actual music. For instance, I was sure a certain prog release was going to be my album of the year in 2011. Due to certain circumstances that happened and that are related to that band, I can't stomach even a half a song now... and if you sit and tell me that you're a huge music fan and you don't care about any other "outside factors" when it comes to a band you like, I call BS. :)

"Outside factors" as in memories that music reminds me of, etc? Yeah, of course I'm affected by that, everyone is.

"Outside factors" like band members being assholes? Go ahead and call BS if you like.

Lotsa people in all walks of life do/say/think stupid things. Some are clearly worse than others. He did his time and came back and released a great (almost said killer there, OOPS) record....and I hope nobody really expected a self-proclaimed Satanist who took his own life in ritual to be all flowers and sunshine.

None of this has any bearing on the quality of music he wrote before (which is fantastic, just not AS suitable for this board) or after his crime.
:lol::lol: Good point there. Lunch will be interested this week, bro.

hahaha :p, looking forward to it!

Alot of people are giving Mitch Lucker (Suicide Silence singer) shit for essentially killing himself last week, and to that I say the same. He lived by a stupid code of ethics (literally believed in #YOLO), got drunk while riding motorcycles and unsafe helmets, and paid the price with his life. But still, he had a little girl and a family who cared about him. And I don't think people should refuse to support Suicide Silence just because he did a really, really dumb thing you know? (inb4 "i refuse to support them because they suck" #internetmetalnerd #dungeonmaster) We're only human.
By all accounts, Nödtveidt was a good person who rolled with bad guys during the 90's. But he paid his dues and went to jail for that.

Okay... A brief story of his life...

He started Dissection, killed someone just because the person was a homosexual, went to jail, paid his dues in jail, was freed, released another solid blackened death metal record, and then killed himself inside a circle of lit candles with a satanic grimoire in front of him.

Model citizen.


By the way, the pizza place better be good. :lol:
"Outside factors" as in memories that music reminds me of, etc? Yeah, of course I'm affected by that, everyone is.

"Outside factors" like band members being assholes? Go ahead and call BS if you like.

Lotsa people in all walks of life do/say/think stupid things. Some are clearly worse than others. He did his time and came back and released a great (almost said killer there, OOPS) record....and I hope nobody really expected a self-proclaimed Satanist who took his own life in ritual to be all flowers and sunshine.

None of this has any bearing on the quality of music he wrote before (which is fantastic, just not AS suitable for this board) or after his crime.

You're absolutely right in the sense that the quality of his music doesn't change!!!!

I just meant that to ME, it's shadowed by the fact that he was a douchebag.
Okay... A brief story of his life...

He started Dissection, killed someone just because the person was a homosexual, went to jail, paid his dues in jail, was freed, released another solid blackened death metal record, and then killed himself inside a circle of lit candles with a satanic grimoire in front of him.

Model citizen.


By the way, the pizza place better be good. :lol:

He didn't kill that guy, he was an accessory. The other guy killed him. It's still really horrible though, and as I said, he paid the price for that.

The regular pizza at this place is good, their "upside down" pizza is elite elder god tier.
Aren't you a prety big Emperor fan?

Huge, but Faust was only in the band for a year (92-93 if I'm not wrong). By the time In The Nightside Eclipse came out, he was already out of the band (although he recorded it).

Samoth was in jail for the inner black metal circle church burning he took part of with Varg if I'm not wrong, and also "paid his dues..." Let's face it, he's not a model citizen either... but you really want to compare the music of Dissection and Emperor here? ;)
Aren't you a prety big Emperor fan?

Well in his defense, Faust hasn't been in Emperor in like a decade. A better example is any band with Hellhammer who is a notorious racist and homophobe and actually APPROVED of Faust killing that gay guy.
Let's face it, he's not a model citizen either... but you really want to compare the music of Dissection and Emperor here? ;)

Dissection has 3 brilliant LPs vs Emperor's 2 (and a quarter). Emperor has the splits & EP's on their side though.

Just to make it VERY, VERY CLEAR, I am not excusing Nodtveidt's past actions. They are sick. But I'll still continue to enjoy the works of art he created.

Send me some pizza dudes. Getting hungry over here.