Do ideologies in metal--religious, social, or otherwise--affect what you listen to?

hmmm....well maybe in the beginning, obviously......but how can you still say that nowadays? metal, lyrically, is hardly 'groundbreaking' anymore....if anything, it's almost as stagnant and cliched as the music it jointly carries the message with.
Given that ideology generally drives worthwhile art, it matters inasmuch as artists with beliefs more developed than "I wanna rock" or "Let's talk about my relationship problems" tend to be the only ones worth dealing with. Christians represent an exception to this rule (at least within metal, as Christian "metal" is an attempt to usurp an artistic form to promote ideas diametrically opposed to those inherent to the form).
well, i think the idea is interesting (in a dramatic world) in that these christian dudes adopt the weaponry and delivery of their satanic nemesis in order to try and strike back more decisively. of course, despite being within the context of metal sonically, idealogically it is, as you say, diametrically opposed....but then....although it seems easy at first to dismiss that because it's just christian and it's just a reaction, metal focuses broadly at it's base on the exact same thing, just against a different ideology. but really, regardless of the direction of approach or attack, isn't it still artistically credible if presented in an intelligent and thorough manner? I think it is, even if I don't listen to it. =P
No. I like some NSBM, like Graveland, Gontyna Kry, and some Burzum. And I do NOT support NS ideology. When I was more into metalcore I also used to listen to Earth Crisis, who preached straightedge and veganism, both of which I do not follow in the least.
Well, the music comes first. I'm a black metal fan and I'm sure that some of the bands I listen to have ideologies with which i strongly disagree. I usually can't understand them, anyway. I'm willing to accept some bad ideology in exchange for the advancement of music, my one true god.

It effects me some with my research. When I see a band listed in a way that makes them sound racist, I move on to the next name and pay them no mind.

My main problem seems to be my concern when I find a band who I think kicks loads of ass. (I like to support the underground, particularly in struggling scenes around the world.) I want to help spread the word about this struggling band. Do I post a link to their website or do I have to read through their lyrics and decide if I agree with them?

I ain't got time for all that shit.

I'm all in favour of bitching against organized religion. I bet God is too. :]

Another question: Does it effect your album purchases?
Planetary Eulogy said:
Given that ideology generally drives worthwhile art, it matters inasmuch as artists with beliefs more developed than "I wanna rock" or "Let's talk about my relationship problems" tend to be the only ones worth dealing with. Christians represent an exception to this rule (at least within metal, as Christian "metal" is an attempt to usurp an artistic form to promote ideas diametrically opposed to those inherent to the form).


While blatant and obvious ideological posturing on the part of the band will not function as a primary draw, it can function largely as a deterrent if I find the values portrayed to be garbage.
I don´t consider National Socialism as being bad!!! - Nor is it based on hate to other races, but instead - love to ones own... That can easily be misunderstood by some hormonmonkey, who spoils the work of the ones who stand in for it FOR REAL!
Anyway, I enjoy lyrics and if wellwritten, the band stands mightier in my oppinion, but regardless I also enjoy lyrics coming out of Cannibal Corpse and the likes, so it doesn´t affect my taste of music really.

BUT!! But, but... I would never even consider listening to christian black/deathmetal.. That´s so pathetic - even though the music might be good... You can call me simpleminded or whatever... Christians "believe" in order to skip the punishment in death, and deathmetal is hymns to death itself.. It doesn´t work together. And the blackmetal´s roots is not of christian fame - nor should they ever be!!!

Försvinn du som lyser över mitt folk!!!
metu said:
Another question: Does it effect your album purchases?

Yes. My family are offended by it (even though both my parents listen to metal, they don't want me to listen to NSBM). Doesn't affect my downloading though.
Just to give my own reply--for the most part, ideologies to do not affect what I listen to or buy. As some people have already said, I'll usually never listen to metal with heavily Christian lyrical themes. I am a black metal fan, and a lot of what I listen to is NSBM. I do not specifically seek out NS bands, but if I band I like is NS, I don't care. My family knows not of what I listen to in the first place, so I've no problem purchasing NS records.
No, i listen to metal for the music and couldnt really care what bands sing about, but rather how they sing it. The majority of metal bands write the lyrics around the music rather than the music around the lyrics.
Herbstleyd said:
Pretty self-explanatory. Examples include any religions, National Socialism, etc.

Fuck no, it is fucking music damn it, social commentary is great, and I like some bands more because I agree with their lyrics, But I don't listen to Slayer for their satanic lyrics, they just fucking rule.
if i may make a generalization- I have noticed that most underground metal fans, really care most about the music- lyrics are always secondary to the music- whereas most music fans- especially rap and pop fans- find the lyrics to be more important than the music. If one ever reads a mainstream music review- one notices that the reviewer generally talk about the lyrical content first- and then add phrases like the frenzied guitars, or the memorable choruses, etc. I have also noticed that many mainstream music fans listen to music- so they can remember the lyrics- and sin them when they go dancing or in their car etc. For metal this is never the case- I cant remember any lyrics- except to Slayer's Reign in Blood- and thats just because I have listened to it so many god damn times.

Since Lyrics and ideology usually go hand in hand, I really can only say that the only metal that offers ideology on a consistent basis would be black metal. Power metal has sort of a happy march into war, lord of the rings, right and wrong ideology to it ( more of a reason to hate it).