Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2005
Saint Louis
Multi-part question here.

-What are your views on the above topics in metal? For me, if the music is good I'm good. But sometimes It gets a little too extreme for me, with bands like Dark Funeral, whose music I can listen too.

-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?
1. I dont give a shit. Like you said, if its good, I listen.

2. I dont listen to metal for those things in particular, but it is sort of hard to get around, being a BM fan. I probably would find a happy go lucky christian BM band kind of gay, and I guess if i had to pick in that circumstance I would pick Satanic. i am a believing catholic, even though I disagree with many of the church's ideas and practices. I do not really listen to the music for the satanic message, but I certainly prefer it over any other one (if I had to choose.)
What are your views on the above topics in metal?

I don't mind them at all, I prefer it to be intelligent but even some Deicide can amuse me from time to time.

-Also, do you listen to metal for those things?
No, I listen to metal for the music, bands which have ideologies that are well thought out and intelligent are a plus though.

-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

I don't care either way, what helps people get through the day is good enough so long as I don't have anything forced upon me.
AstrumInfinito said:
2. I dont listen to metal for those things in particular, but it is sort of hard to get around, being a BM fan. I probably would find a happy go lucky christian BM band kind of gay, and I guess if i had to pick in that circumstance I would pick Satanic. i am a believing catholic, even though I disagree with many of the church's ideas and practices. I do not really listen to the music for the satanic message, but I certainly prefer it over any other one (if I had to choose.)

But if you prefer satanic metal wouldnt it go against your principles?
I Listen to what i do for the music. The lyrics don't really bother me much as long as the music kicks ass. :headbang:

I'm catholic by default, but I don't take what is being said by anyone very seriously especially in music where it's usually just entertainment, or being said to shock people.
As many of you know I am a practicing Roman Catholic, but the lyrics don't deter me. Unless the band/album name is blatantly offensive to my relgion, the fact that they sing blasphemy doesn't bother me really.
some lyrics matter to me if they go too far, but otherwise it doesn't matter, the most satanic lyrics i go are maybe Marduk - With Satan and Victorious Weapons because i'm not a satanist...but if the music is good, i'll listen
Montu Sekhmet said:
-What are your views on the above topics in metal?

They're fine and I like them sometimes, but I prefer metal to be pretty much atheistic. Like I said though; doesn't matter. I listen to shit-tons of old-school, obscure, Satanically-devoted black metal, and some Christian stuff. I don't really care (though I'm personally a fervent supporter of atheism).

Montu Sekhmet said:
-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

Not for those themes, no, that would be in direct defiance of what I believe music is about (it's about the music, not the words).

Montu Sekhmet said:
-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

Atheism. God has never done anything for me, literally and figuratively; the actual Christian God has never given me good luck, helped me on my path in life, or anything...the idea has also never done anything for me, as I don't really see the point.

Please keep this strictly about music with some minor forays into religious discussion. Flamewars, insulting Christians, etc. will not be tolerated. I retain the right to delete any posts I feel are unnecessary/degrading.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Please keep this strictly about music with some minor forays into religious discussion. Flamewars, insulting Christians, etc. will not be tolerated. I retain the right to delete any posts I feel are unnecessary/degrading.

Thank you :cool:

All we need is more futile discussion over religion.
I just care about music and the way it sounds. I'm not a christian regardless and don't want to here about christianity. I'm not saying I would refuse to listen to a christian band if they were genuinly good, but would not read the lyrics. I do not get into music based on lyrics. I just happen to get into bands that are pessimistic or anti-religion. Being pessimistic not putting faith into anything myself can sense that with music.

I think music sounds the way it does from how someone feels and their heritage which is why christians don't make music that sounds good to me because I or the people I listen to making music have no christian background. Christian bands tend to sound a certain way. The lyrics are not just alone why I don't listen to christian bands. I can tell a bands religion by music. I can tell when a band does not believe. I tend to listen to bands that are athiests or against religion because the music feels how I feel towards life. This is how I know my views are similiar and relate. Music is about freedom which is something religion prevents.
What may repulse me and make me think twice about listening to a certain band is if their lyrics are extremely provocative[AND] are sung in my native tongue-Russian(say, bands like Nokturnal Mortum).

The rest, I don't care.Trolls,frost, feces, orgies,Satan, extermination of humanity, apocalypsis-it's all the same to me, I'm very open-minded in this regard. If it fits the music, then I'm all for it. Not shackled by religion or prejudice, a free spirit, so to speak:cool:
messakin said:
I Listen to what i do for the music. The lyrics don't really bother me much as long as the music kicks ass. :headbang:

I'm catholic by default, but I don't take what is being said by anyone very seriously especially in music where it's usually just entertainment, or being said to shock people.

If you mean by default, you mean you were baptised yeah.
Well i was too but i don't consider myself catholic.
You are what you believe in, you didn't make the choice to be baptised so you don't have to consider yourself catholic, especially if you don't care for what it represents.

That’s why, though i was baptised, did my reconciliation, communion and confirmation, i now consider myself an atheist as that what i actually believe.

When i first heard deicide i loved the music, the voice, everything, but the whole anti-christian lyrics and covers made me a bit :erk: because i was still attached to the whole catholic upbringing.

But now, since i know more and have gained intelligence and perspective from metal i don't care at all what the bands lyrics, themes and image represents. Just because i listen and like the music doesn't mean i have to follow their beliefs and ideals.

Still i wouldn't wear a shirt that said "go fuck Jesus" or some shit, first of all it would contradict atheism and secondly i don't want to be seen as something i'm not, hell bent on dissing Christianity, as i think all religions are bullshit.
Montu Sekhmet said:
-What are your views on the above topics in metal? For me, if the music is good I'm good. But sometimes It gets a little too extreme for me, with bands like Dark Funeral, whose music I can listen too.

These themes used to detract me from listening to such music many years ago, but not anymore. I like to view Satanism as symbolism anyway (not really to be taken literally as 'worship of goats/demons'... but merely of one's individual freedom and opposition to Christian values because they feel it is not the ultimate governing force in the universe).

Montu Sekhmet said:
-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

Just like you, I feel the actual music is foremost above all else. The satanic sort of themes in metal have become pretty cliched, so I have grown to think nuetral of it, not really advocating it but not really minding it either. I will appreciate bands who attempt to express Satanism (or any other theme for that matter) in an original, interesting way (such as Deathspell Omega has done).

Montu Sekhmet said:
--Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

I'm agnostic... meaning I am unsure to believe in God or not. And on religion itself, I feel the concept of religion itself is not inherently a bad idea, what can make it deadly are the extremist zealots who push their views upon others and use religion as an absurd justification for certain actions (e.g. starting conflicts/wars against those who do not share their beliefs). Just like drugs, religion in the wrong irresponsible hands can lead to hazardous results.
metal_wrath said:

you could be in a black metal band.
Just an fyi there is nothing in Catholic dogma that condemns or restricts one's musical preferences. Even us Catholics don't believe that listening to metal will send you to hell.