Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

1. Music comes first, lyrics are second. If the music is really good, the only thing that could possibly deter me from listening to the band is if I don't like the singer. More often than not I'll give the band a number of listens to see if I can get used to the singer

2. Again, if there was a Christian metal band that played totally awesome music, I would listen to them. I'm a musician.

3. My views on religion waver. I have serious issues with the idea of there being a God, so my feelings usually tend towards the atheist viewpoint. I try to live the best and most ethical life I can.
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Montu Sekhmet said:
But if you prefer satanic metal wouldnt it go against your principles?

Only if I had to choose. I dont really care, like i said. i listen to music for the music. But if i were to pick between two bands based on that aspect alone, then I would choose the satanic lyrics/image/etc
when i say catholic by default what i mean is thats what i was as a child, i went to sunday school and everything, but i never finished my conformation. I saw a lot of fucked up shit in my early teens and went through alot, so at where i'm at in life right now i have no religion but i know if i died tomorrow my messican ass family will give a catholic funeral and i'll be remembered as a catholic. :cry:
AstrumInfinito said:
1. I dont give a shit. Like you said, if its good, I listen.

2. I dont listen to metal for those things in particular, but it is sort of hard to get around, being a BM fan. I probably would find a happy go lucky christian BM band kind of gay, and I guess if i had to pick in that circumstance I would pick Satanic. i am a believing catholic, even though I disagree with many of the church's ideas and practices. I do not really listen to the music for the satanic message, but I certainly prefer it over any other one (if I had to choose.)
Amen, I honestly dont give a shit about the lyrics but as long as the drums, guitar, and bass, and keyboards(depending on the style, usually for a good atmosphere) and the vocalist doesn't sound like he doesn't have balls, then It kicks ass.

Montu Sekhmet said:
Multi-part question here.

-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?
I believe religious branches are ALL corupt. Catholic, Protestant, Calvinist, Puritan, whatever the fucking branch, they are all corupt. I believe that there is a God, and that you simply believe that he or she is this high entity. You don't need to go to fucking church just to hear some guy who claims to be a great religious preacher that goes off and rapes little kids speak, who the fuck does he think he is? hes not God, so therefore you simply believe and dont follow anyones was.
...I can't believe your music tastes haven't evolved yet Ender. Fuck.

Anyway, satanism and anti-christianity is all good with me. Most bands need something pissed off about to suit their music, you aren't gonna have Deicide roaring about 'the passage of time' or anything.

They are just suitable lyrical topics for a lot of extreme metal.
Ender Rises said:
The only theme that gets on my nerves in metal is gore lyrics. Those bug the shit out of me. Other than that, satanism and other controversial themes don't bug me.

Because gore lyrics are usually accompanied by shitty gore metal that makes me want to puke
Pull The Plug said:
...I can't believe your music tastes haven't evolved yet Ender. Fuck.

Anyway, satanism and anti-christianity is all good with me. Most bands need something pissed off about to suit their music, you aren't gonna have Deicide roaring about 'the passage of time' or anything.

They are just suitable lyrical topics for a lot of extreme metal.
I'm lazy. I like what I listen to and don't feel like branching out yet, although I will soon. I'm getting bored.
Just as most fantasy lyrics are accompanied by generic power metal, just as most love lyrics are accompanied by pop ballads... The chosen music derives a suitable lyrical topic; and for gore metal/grind/whatever it's fitting topic is anatomy, gore and so on.

I don't know how it 'bugs' you, unless you read the booklets you aren't gonna have a clue what they are on about.
To be honest, you miss out on heaps of great music being like that. There aren't a hell of a lot bands that have great lyrics, but there are many with more than adequate music.

The day I make lyrics an important part of my musical interest is the day I stop listening to music.
No god shall ever live
No lies shall ever be told
We desecrate Jesus Christ
And turn the crucufix upside down

I don't mind Satanist bands, however I cannot stand most Christian bands (Trouble being the exception), with their "do as God says or you're going to hell" message. You know what, just for that, I think I'd rather go to hell.
The Greys said:
No god shall ever live
No lies shall ever be told
We desecrate Jesus Christ
And turn the crucufix upside down


Saint Peter was crucified UPSIDE-DOWN on a hill upon which is later built Vatican City. So the Catholic Church was founded on an inverted cross!