Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

dont care at all about the subject matter really, as long as the lyrics themselves are good, and the delivery/execution is done well.
i.e. Aeon... extremely satanic, and i couldn't care less about that, but they're lyrics are TERRIBLE..."jesus is a faggot...god gives head in heaven", just ridiculous...and I feel the same way about pro-christian music. if the lyrics are creative i dont care about the matter, but if all you hear is "praise our lord, i love you, jesus" then i dont care how good the music is, i'm turned off by it...

execution and delivery > lyrical themes
Montu Sekhmet said:
Multi-part question here.

-What are your views on the above topics in metal? For me, if the music is good I'm good. But sometimes It gets a little too extreme for me, with bands like Dark Funeral, whose music I can listen too.

-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

I listen to metal for the music. The lyrics mean very little to me, as half the time I have trouble understanding them anyway. I do try to avoid bands I know support NS/rascism/terrorism/whatever, but that doesn't mean I won't listen to them at all - I just won't buy their albums.

Montu Sekhmet said:
-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

I'm a practicing Christian, and a lot of my church friends think my music taste is odd. But, there's nothing in the Bible that says "Thou shalt not listen to music that disagrees with me" or whatever. The people who try to tell you that music is going to destroy society and should be banned or something are just plain wrong. Christianity is about spreading the love of Christ, not about getting scared and trying to purify society.

EDIT: Oops, I misread the post I quoted. Oh well, my point stands.
chell said:
I'm a practicing Christian, and a lot of my church friends think my music taste is odd. But, there's nothing in the Bible that says "Thou shalt not listen to music that disagrees with me" or whatever. The people who try to tell you that music is going to destroy society and should be banned or something are just plain wrong. Christianity is about spreading the love of Christ, not about getting scared and trying to purify society.

Zhou Tai 04 said:
Anyways, I am a Christian, although I do not see the need to associate myself with any particular denomination since they are basically formed on very minor differences, like how baptism should be performed or whether or not to use actual wine for communion. I listen to whatever music I find enjoyable, regardless of lyrical content.

So basically you're the ideal Christian (though that's an oxymoron ;)).
Lyrical content doesn't affect me. I'm catholic by birth but I do not pay attention to the lyrics though I could be singing along to a song. Most of the lyrics in a song anyways are not the band's beliefs but just words to fill the music or to shock society.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
So basically you're the ideal Christian (though that's an oxymoron ;)).
Yeah, basically.:lol:

Except for the oxymoron part because there's nothing oxymoronic (is that even a word?) about me.:D
Int said:
yea I'm really the "fucking moron" for pointing out that "it's blatently obvious" isn't a valid source montu :rolleyes:

It is very obvious. Why else would people listen to satanic bands that are utter crap? For example, several people I know listen to Deicide. They are all about "the meaning" behind the lyrics, not the actual playing. Most Gorgoroth fans are the same way because the playing is not great at all, and if you go to their forum, you'll see the evidene of this.
Montu Sekhmet said:
-What are your views on the above topics in metal?

Sometimes extremist lyrics really turn me off of some music. They just make it all sound so stupid and forced to get a message across, whether its Satanist, Christian, political, hippie or otherwise.

Montu Sekhmet said:
-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

I listen to metal for the atmosphere and the music itself, and for the awesome live shows!

Montu Sekhmet said:
-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

I guess I'd fall under the agnostic category. As I see it, atheism is just as much a belief as any organized religion. Atheists need to get off their high horses and come to see that they're just choosing to believe something they don't know... just like any religion.
Well I'm not realy any relgion. The closest I fall to anything is LeVay Satanism, and they don't even believe in a god or devil (as in divine figures at least), and even that I find myself only attracted to in principle, not in practice. So I don't find any real-life religion effecting my musical choices.

I do find satanistic lyrics intressting and I'll listen to bands with such lyrics, but if I don't like the music I won't listen. Same with christian bands. I'm not big on god (and I've made it quite clear that I think a lot of christian churches are money-grabbing... well... I won't rant) but I still think some of the music is rad.
Demilich said:
I guess I'd fall under the agnostic category. As I see it, atheism is just as much a belief as any organized religion. Atheists need to get off their high horses and come to see that they're just choosing to believe something they don't know... just like any religion.

I think that is a good point, but i interpret being an atheist as being someone who makes their own morals, with the only boundry being the law itself, instead of that of the religion...
but that could apply to an agnostic too, but because they believe that there is a 'chance' of there being a god, this may influence there morals, where as it wouldn't for an atheist.

When i say the only boundry being the law, i mean this as in - if the person put there beliefs into action and it was against the law, for example they killed somone because they think it's alright, then they are going to just end up in jail and there is no need for any principles to live by once your in there.

Ahh i'm just fighting with myself over being an atheist or an agnostic :zombie:
Even devout atheists (like myself) admit you cannot disprove the existence of god. I know that if when I die, I am face to face with St. Peter or whoever to be judged I'll simply say "Alright, you got me. Can you at least get me a spot in hell that isn't too hot?"
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DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Even devout atheists (like myself) admit you cannot disprove the existence of god. I know that if when I die, I am face to face with St. Peter or whoever to be judged I'll simply say "Alright, you got me. Can you at least get me a spot in hell that isn't too hot?"

Yes. :lol:
Singing about Satan made metal cool and you'll know it! Please people, stop taking the evil out of the metal. While metal can be tolerated without it, it needs to be there. Trite you say, well fuck you, where you in the 80s - in diapers? Metal fueled the imaginations of many a non metaller and metaller alike.

Sex, Satan & Metal!:kickass:

Thrash on:headbang:
To be truly anti-christian you can't associate with its existense. Satanism is a figure of the christian imagination so embracing it would be corresponding with their beliefs.

So just live on the basis of your own personal feelings, it's that simple.
MetalNoob said:
To be truly anti-christian you can't associate with its existense. Satanism is a figure of the christian imagination so embracing it would be corresponding with their beliefs.


Exactly. To be a Satanist you would have to acknoledge the existence of a God.
Montu Sekhmet said:
Exactly. To be a Satanist you would have to acknoledge the existence of a God.

Not really. As it has been stated numerous times, a majority of modern Satantist do not beleive in a literal Devil or satan. Satan is a philosophical idea, not a being.
Montu Sekhmet said:
Exactly. To be a Satanist you would have to acknoledge the existence of a God.

What if god and satan is the samething. If you wanted to show your dislike for christianity going against the grain would be the only way to appose. Christianity has rules and regulations regarding heaven and hell so it is all a christian theme. Christianity would termine if you go to hell or not so maybe the deity is god or satan depending on your sins/life and the bible. Christians control both sides of the debate so the only way to demenstrate rebellion is to believe in the aspect of christianity that is bad or not believe. Regardless you would not go to hell because of a religion. There is a lot of religions. Hell is just used as a balence. Everything has to have two sides pretty much but it does not make them seperated. That would be like optimism telling you that you can't be pessimistic.