Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

Montu Sekhmet said:
Exactly. To be a Satanist you would have to acknoledge the existence of a God.

If you're going to start a "serious" topic like this then atleast try not to be full of shit constantly. It doesn't really work.
Montu Sekhmet said:
It is very obvious. Why else would people listen to satanic bands that are utter crap? For example, several people I know listen to Deicide. They are all about "the meaning" behind the lyrics, not the actual playing. Most Gorgoroth fans are the same way because the playing is not great at all, and if you go to their forum, you'll see the evidene of this.
This is an incredibly stupid post backing up your already incredibly flawed assumptions pointed out by Int.

Because you have some retarded friends and you dislike Deicide and Gorgoroth, now "Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message"? I'm sure there are some people who listen to metal for the message, but on the whole, as this thread proves, it is more about the music.
Evil? said:
Not really. As it has been stated numerous times, a majority of modern Satantist do not beleive in a literal Devil or satan. Satan is a philosophical idea, not a being.
I believe Montu Sekhmet is referring to orthodox Satanism (i.e. worshipping Satan), not Laveyan Satanism.
cookiecutter said:
This is an incredibly stupid post backing up your already incredibly flawed assumptions pointed out by Int.

Because you have some retarded friends and you dislike Deicide and Gorgoroth, now "Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message"? I'm sure there are some people who listen to metal for the message, but on the whole, as this thread proves, it is more about the music.

It is more about the music here, on this board. How can you deny the fact that a lot of people listen to Satanism for the Satanism? For them music plays a role in it but it is not as important. I used those people as an example.
This is directed to music and other things. I do think themes affect peoples preference's in a general sense. People general see things with moral values and good and bad. These things are preventing people from seeing art,beauty, and talent based on something alone. If you can't throw everything out and base something on itself soley it means your judgement is poor and infected. People are so concerned with what is good or bad negative or positive over everything to judge and put a label that is takes away from everything in general because the person is just seeing something those terms or what they have been told and not something more. It's almost like are brains are being blinded so we can easily be thrown off by some basic principles to not see. It's like the world has been designed to get people to throw away things not fitting a specific right value. It's quit obvious people are expected to be perfect and positive because people think our race could be perfect, and all the things that people have told us are bad are trying to be blinded from us so that aspect of life becomes less and hopefully abscent.

How many people in the world want what is wrong or bad or think any of it as good. Not a lot of people. That takes away from peoples security and perfection so things not fitting stereotypes are not going to appear to have any substance regardless if they do.
I don't care at all, they could be bm nazi and I wouldn't mind.

I like music for what it is: instrument + vocals. I don't think I've ever read the lyric of any metal band album I've bought so far and that says a lot (bought a good quantity of them). They could sing about little girls eating cauliflowers between two honeycomb box in a field of pink marsh mellow and I wouldn't care, as long as the music sounds good...
i find it amazing that the greys continues to post his epic rants when its evident everyone just ignores him thanks to how completely incomprehensible they are
I don't understand the people who don't pay any attention to the lyrics, imagery/symbolism, etc. of the bands they listen to. Those aspects are just as important to me as mere sound in evaluating bands. I generally won't listen to a band that has moronic lyrics, unless of course I am listening merely for "fun" and not taking the band too seriously. An album with a stupid message is a crap album; there's no two ways about it. In most cases the satanism employed by metal bands is so hackneyed and often downright retarded. I don't object to satanic lyrics on moral grounds, but rather on artistic grounds. Metal can be a really, really stupid, crap genre sometimes.
I may disagree with the lyrics but it wont stop me from listening to them. I put the music over lyrics in priorities.
I hope some of you realize that almost all these black metal bands are religious in one way or the other, christianity is not the only religion in the world you know... They may spew and slander catholics and abolish their practices but you go against their religion and they will flip out.

But to answer your question, no i do not care what the the theme/lyrics are in an album, its the music itself. Just becaus I pass through a jewish neighborhood doesnt mean I'll turn into a jewish practicing rabbi, nor will i turn into a satanist for listening to music that deal with satanism and death.

Not that the religion "Satanism" even deals with the figure 'Satan' himself, actually its the opposite, but thats another post for another time.
Multi-part question here.

-What are your views on the above topics in metal? For me, if the music is good I'm good. But sometimes It gets a little too extreme for me, with bands like Dark Funeral, whose music I can listen too.

-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

1) The lyrical content can matter, but it doesn't have to be great for me to enjoy them. Chances are, interesting lyrics will make me enjoy the music more.

2) In a way, yes. Not to be preached at, but metal has a "message" which is generally waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different to popular music. I don't agree with any pro-religious lyrical content, but that doesn't change the fact that they can still interest me.

3) I believe organised religion exists. I do not believe in any God or god.
Multi-part question here.

-What are your views on the above topics in metal? For me, if the music is good I'm good. But sometimes It gets a little too extreme for me, with bands like Dark Funeral, whose music I can listen too.

I don't give a shit - if the music is good, I'll listen, regardless of the message.

-Also, do you listen to metal for those things? Alot of extreme metalheads listen to Satanism for the message.

-Lastly, if you do not believe in organized religon or God, what are your views on the matter?

I don't listen to Metal for those things, though they may be in my Metal. My only aversion to any of the Christian music is that I don't see anything original in what any of those bands/artists are doing.

Also, while I don't believe in God and don't feel that you should have to pay to pray (organized religion), I find myself having fewer limits imposed on me either by myself or someone else.
1:Yes, it's just music and people should be able to enjoy it regardless of the message, I do.

2: I dont listen to music for the message.

3: I can't stand organised religion and I firmly believe our youth should be shielded from it until they're old enough to process it all without being brainwashed.

Some people take offence to some topics but lets face it in the 80's metal thrived on that. Just take a look at Pete Steele's pre-Type O days with Carnivore, classic stuff!

Satan has been a common theme in metal and I cant really imagine metal without it. Okay, so now the subject is getting old but so is metal. Perhaps people need to get back to the roots of metal. I'd rather listen to classic Destruction like Devils Soldiers or Satan's Vengeance any day over half the crap that gets called metal now.
Music is about freedom which is something religion prevents. to promote freedom we have tons of Satanic or anti-Christian bands in metal? That makes a lot of sense. I don't give a damn what any band sings about "as long as the music's loud" (to quote the almighty Priest). Most people who make stupid statements like "all Christian music sucks" have never heard all Christian music or even more than a handful of bands. Since it's such a significantly smaller genre than secular music, it's harder to find those few really good bands in Christian music, and often times to find them you usually have to do some serious searching - which most atheists obviously won't do. to promote freedom we have tons of Satanic or anti-Christian bands in metal? That makes a lot of sense. I don't give a damn what any band sings about "as long as the music's loud" (to quote the almighty Priest). Most people who make stupid statements like "all Christian music sucks" have never heard all Christian music or even more than a handful of bands. Since it's such a significantly smaller genre than secular music, it's harder to find those few really good bands in Christian music, and often times to find them you usually have to do some serious searching - which most atheists obviously won't do.
Yeah, that's generally how it is.
I believe Montu Sekhmet is referring to orthodox Satanism (i.e. worshipping Satan), not Laveyan Satanism.

Wouldn't LaVeyan Satanism be "orthodox" satanism seeing as how it was the first formally organized satanic church? Satan/devil worship is usually referred to as medieval satanism by LaVeyan's (I think anyway).
Worship of an actual Satanic being is irrelevant, as that "cult" was concocted by the Catholic church during the inquisition to incite subjects of the papacy against pagans. In the Satanic bible LaVey does mention a Christian sect which actually worshipped Satan as a way to appease him, for they felt that God was all forgiving and it was Satan that was the one to persuade to escape from eternal damnation. I don't remember what name he called them, and I'm too lazy to dig out my copy of the Satanic Bible right now.
Most people who make stupid statements like "all Christian music sucks" have never heard all Christian music or even more than a handful of bands. Since it's such a significantly smaller genre than secular music, it's harder to find those few really good bands in Christian music, and often times to find them you usually have to do some serious searching - which most atheists obviously won't do.

What? I'm an Atheist, and I don't search for music by religion. I couldn't give a fuck whether a band is Satanic, Christian, or Zoroastrian as long as they sound good. I would assume that most Atheists would think the same way.