Do you guys make other tunes than metal ?


Oct 30, 2010
Hey I was wondering if some among you go as crazy as making hip-hop and stuff like that, lighter rock or even electro-techno.. or record punk bands, hip-hop dudes, etc (for money)

Even though my background is more metal, once a while I could for a whole week more acoustic or hip-hop (i think it happens when I should change strings but don't take a few minutes to do it or when it's too hot outside and don't have the energy to play guitar lol). Usually learn a few new tricks with production and stuff at the same time

So yeah, I'm asking here cause well, just curious, just to chat. Some could say I'm a shame to metal hahah, maybe.. but I always come back to it
A friend of mine is a singer songwriter. I've recorded one and produced two demo's of him. Really something different from the shitty gothic bands I record usually... bot just as much fun!
My little brother is a beat maker, he usually makes beats for minor slovak or czech rapers... I usually help him out with mixing that shit... He actually bought the midi keyboard with audio interface and condenser mic we use now... now I use it 95% of time playing around with instruments, trying recording and mixing techniques... to be honest thanx to him I have risen from standard stock-audio-card-user to enthusiastic amateur... too bad his crew broke up, so I'm "unemployed" in hip hop area for now :D:D:D

edit: I forgot to mention gospel
he usually makes beats for minor slovak or czech rapers...

I really hope you mean rappers. I would hate to think of what those beats would be used for otherwise :D

I'm involved in a few cool projects with friends, and none of them are metal by a long shot. Anything goes, as long as it's an original idea in my book.
One of my favourite projects is with a guy that pretty much just goes around the country/world and records anyone with an instrument/voice that is willing to contribute. He then puts it all together in several songs. The endresult always reminds me of a parade of people with broken instruments marching through the streets. It may sound rough and out of tune here and there, but those guys are sure putting their souls into it.

Diversity is the name of the game. Different genres trigger different emotions for me, so sticking to one of them would be limiting.

Want a happy life? Headbang to Sigur Rós.
Well for me electronic music went hand to hand with my guitar learning. At starting some cheezy stuff, but with time gone through horror/ indudtrial stuff, than agrotech ( I consider it as electronic black metal, refferencing to Psyclon Nine - parasitic). I put those under one project Puppet Government (thinking to continue someday)
Today making dubstep, and because my metal band struggle to get full members it hitting interests off metal. Once made djentstep and it gone pretty high on youtube
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i don't even play metal, but i really like it from an engineering perspective since mixes are so dense it provides quite a challenge. i'm currently in five bands in various levels of activity. punk, rockabilly, classic rock covers, southern rock, party punk. fucking hell.
I really hope you mean rappers. I would hate to think of what those beats would be used for otherwise :D

Yes :D sorry... as you can see I'm not a native English speaker. And not a pro engineer either. I wish there were more musicians interested in help by recording nearby...
The only metal I play or record atm is my own stuff/my band, but I am just mixing my bands stuff, not tracking
or mastering and my own stuff is just demo stuff.
The stuff I do the most is acoustic pop rock with a friend of mine, she's a pretty good singer and we started
with some slow and soft stuff, just acoustic guitar and her voice, nothing else, now we're getting a bit more
"rocky" like "kiss with a fist" from florence and the machine.

If everything works well I am going to record the band of my uncle, 40-60 year old blues/jazz musicians who play
all kinds of stuff, great players with up right bass, loads of nice gear (including alot of vintage stuff) for fun because
they have lots of equipment, but no clue how to record.
Definitely Brother depends on who your recording / engineering or tag teaming with to produce a product :)
Just finished two radio rock singles. Those jobs come up every once in a while and are cool. Usually a lot more fun to work on than metal.

What I'm really trying to crack is the soundtrack scene... specifically mixing movie & video game music, but I can't seem to find an entry point.
Just finished a colaboration with a visual artist, Mr.3Nil.

I composed, mixed the audio, it is ambient style mainly, and i can easily say it is one of the most interesting things i have done.
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Just finished a colaboration with a visual artist, Mr.3Nil.

I composed, mixed the audio, it is ambient style mainly, and i can easily say it is one of the most interesting things i have done.

That was awesome! Your score fitted very well to the whole feel of the animation too. It took it all to a higher level for me, without being "in the way".
I've been making hiphopbeats for almost as long as I've been playing guitar (check out some of my fairly old stuff on myspace. At the moment working on a new album with my "experimental triphop/electronica/ambient/whateverthefuckitmightbe"-project called ÆLT after a 7 year sabbatical (you can still download our debut EP right here, but not for long). I have also been active in a couple of punkbands, actually considering starting a new one at the moment.