Do you hate these type of concerts?


Oct 6, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Personally, I like to see bands at venues that have max 3 bands. The first one better only play for a half hour and the next band needs to play an hour or so and the last plays a long time.

I'm sick of these damn club concerts where 5 or more bands are attaching themselves to the concert show. For example, last year I went to this hellhole club ( it was really awful) and I was there to see 2 bands (really just 1) and I kid you not this band traveled from out of the country to play here of all places and one of the shit bands that opened was this crap death metal band. I don't like death metal too much but this band sounded like one of those typical crappy overpopulated death metal bands back in the early 90's that sounded horrible. I wanted to kill myself.

Why do crap bands attach themselves to shows and we end up with 5 or more bands. What's the point? Oh ya, I kid you not. This place was so horrible that there was no advertising until 2 weeks before the concert because the band I wanted to see decided to stop by or this place just sucks and there was 20 people there. I am exaggerating when I say 20 because I am pushing it. So 5 bands plus only 8 dollars to get in plus the venue fee....obviously your going to lose money. wtf....I don't know how that works but your band is not going to make anything. Why show up?

Besides poor advertising which I have been to clubs and even arenas that don't promote and to top that off 6 bands show up...does the first 4 bands not get any money?

Have you ever been to a club or arena and hardly anyone showed up not to mention too many bands were playing?
I kind of experienced what you are describing but it was a 2 day thing, tbh I enjoyed enough of the bands. the 90s style dm band were fine I thought, the bands who weren't really metal were annoying for me, personally, but one of them was actually quite good. I thought it was decent overall.
I hate concerts with lots of bands on the bill. When I saw Nile a couple of years ago there were like 5 other bands on the bill (Decapitated was there so I won't bitch about that though :cool:).
But yeah really I hate having to sit through like 5 different bands just to get to the one I want to see. For example Dimmu is playing next month and I'd like to go but I'm dreading having to sit through like 3 openers just to see the one band I want to see.
Personally I only went to one concert in my life and there wasn't any bnds that I enjoyed listening to expect Iron Maiden, There were also In Flames but they were touring for their album Sense of Purpose so I didn't enjoy it. At least some of you got the chance to see bands like Nile and Decapitated, I wouldn't complain at all if I got the chance to see them live.
I hate concerts with lots of bands on the bill.

Same here. I totally fucking agree. Most of the time the opening bands suck ass anyways, that's why they're openers. They always have shitty deathcore bands opening for death metal bands, for example.

What I despise is when there's like 7 bands on the bill, & when the only bands you want to see are like the 2nd, mayyybe the 4th, & the 6th. When you've already been there so long & you're drunk, you might as well stay for the last band to see what the hype is about.

I also hate when you think your bands will play late in the show so you show up late & fucking miss them. I even call ahead to get the show times when I can.
I always go for the whole show. If I'm going to a show I just say, okay, I shouldn't plan on doing anything important that day, and I go for the whole thing. I think 2 openers is fine. 3 is the max. Beyond that it gets annoying.
The idea is for the support act to get the exposure of metallica fans, not for metallica to draw a bigger crowd.
i went to a nile show a few months back and i missed the only good opener (warbringer) all of the other openers were shitty deathcore so naturally there were tons of scene kids... who were hardcore dance... who got the shit beat out of them with the assistance of my group of friends, myself, and the other few true death metal heads. it sucked dealing with the music but waging war against them was fun. also, when nile came on, all of them left which was about 75% of the crowd :lol:
you are trying to tell us that you and your friends beat up a whole audiece of concert goers because they didn't like the same bands as you? i'm suprised that didn't make national news.
I like opening acts. I like hearing and seeing new bands. Some that I may have never heard or heard of before. I've seen some good ones and some bad ones. If you don't like shows with 3, 4, 5 bands, you actually have a couple of other options.

1) go later and skip the openers.

2) don't buy tickets to the show.
also, when nile came on, all of them left which was about 75% of the crowd :lol:

This happened all the time at shows I went to while living elsewhere. Kids would come out to see their friends bands play and then leave before the headlining act came on. Even the local bands who played that evening would leave right after their sets. :mad: It's irritating to witness this, but there really isn't a whole lot to be done to fix the issue.
I'm with you 100%, Bri. I think having one opening band is cool. Having two is alright. But having more than that is unacceptable. It's not a fucking festival! There's only room enough to stand there like a jackass watching these godawful bands play terrible music which nobody came to see. It's just ridiculous.

I went to see Immortal Technique, and there were literally like 25 acts on the fucking bill. Tech himself is only so big, so you can imagine how amateur and unpopular the first 5 or 10 acts on the bill were. Maybe I'm just a pussy but I already had worked a 10 hour shift that day and I did not appreciate having to stand for hours listening to terrible music before getting to hear Immortal Technique. The opening bands were running late so instead of cutting some of them out, they just shortened Technique's set! He basically just did a medley since most of the songs were shortened by more than 1/2.

Now don't get me wrong, I like hearing some new music too. I like getting to see a couple of extra bands at a show. But there's a limit to reason here. The opening bands are just appetizers. The time spent on opening bands should never dwarf that of the actual act. Equal time is the most ammount that would be acceptable, so if the headliner is going to do 1.5 hours then all the openers together should only add up to 1.5 hours.
you are trying to tell us that you and your friends beat up a whole audiece of concert goers because they didn't like the same bands as you? i'm suprised that didn't make national news.

no :lol: there were like 8 kids that were "hardcore dancing" and there were about 5 of us and 2-3 other random guys on our side
just seems kinda creepy to me. why are you concerned with how people other than yourself dance? it would never cross my mind to make a deal out of it. just let them do whatever they want and mind your own business.
no :lol: there were like 8 kids that were "hardcore dancing" and there were about 5 of us and 2-3 other random guys on our side
That's really retarded then. They may be annoying but you were being fucking assholes. If someone is fucking with you at a show then maybe there's a fight but if a bunch of idiots are hardcore dancing let them be. As you mentioned they left when Nile came on; why is it important that the moshpit be devoid of hardcore dancing when shitty deathcore is being played?
come on, now.

just move your way foreward like you would have to do anyways

this is such a shit topic

you people act like you've never been outside the house