Do you know what I like most in this bb?


Apr 20, 2001
The fact that there are not some annoying Americans!
Of course there are Americans around here but i never got a problem with them they treat nice the most of them...

Why I'm telling this? I'd tried to say in a polite way my opinion about some facts when someone started insulting me! And this guy in the past used to be a person that I used to conversate with!:rolleyes: :o

Nah! A "friend" of me and Clipsy's a person we used to consider as cool besides when he talked about his country in some particular cases. Dunno if you get who is he Jan.

"mary, you need a 'sense of logic' you cunt.
'from a bloodied land' my ass. There hasn't been a war in greece since before you were born.

fuck off and die."

exactly his words! :lol: I remeber when I a guy had warned me about him and I knew him enough to watch my back!
Well I'd stopped bothering with that person since some time!
But ya know I was just thinking how many snakes must be around me! :lol::bah:
...and I thought I was what you liked the most about this bb. And I checked in to see you complaining about a bullshit thread. Damn, another click wasted! :mad:
Originally posted by IRoN
...and I thought I was what you liked the most about this bb. And I checked in to see you complaining about a bullshit thread. Damn, another click wasted! :mad:

Sure you're one of the reasons that I like this bb! ;) There are nice persons around btw! :grin:

And no I don't complain about a bullshit thread.
The thing that bothered was that a person that I had stood up for him many times came and insulted me with those words. And it would be a different thing if it was somebody that I didnt have any contacts or he didnt know me.
Angel: i think like most people he was shocked that this could happen to his country. America did believe it was the most powerful country in the world and that no one could touch them. yesterday proved to them that this is not the case. that might be why he said this stuff to you, but it's still not an excuse. :(

I dont doubt he was shocked! They are all so frightened.

Actually I didnt care that he told that! Neither for someone else that wished me to have died insteda of an American.

But what made me really mad was this one:"I'm thinking maybe you should get your money back for that expensive international relations degree." and an other one agreed...

As I'd think I'd told you I'm studying international relations! And I expressed my opinion very politely in that fucking board! It was actually what i said the point of view of what i heard about Greek political analysts! And told em that they need to chill out!:mad: This is actually my sensitive point now for 2 things: in the past I was thinking to quit uni! But soon I'd realised that I am really good in that and loved the subject(the second one). :cry:
Originally posted by Slash Freeman

hey, don't let it bother you. sometimes people can just change. maybe he lost someone close to him. besides, it doesn't matter what he says to you. we all love you and know you're good at what you do! :hugs again:

As I told this uni part was my senstitive part. What he said:

"I used to see those two towers every morning on my way to work. This morning, there were no towers but lots of smoke still rising."

Anyway... But words can bitter...
I start believe that I'm for the few people around that usually know to behave.
Originally posted by Angelwitch

What he said:

"I used to see those two towers every morning on my way to work. This morning, there were no towers but lots of smoke still rising."


You can't expect logical behaivors from someone who is really shocked...
We all were shocked with this tragedy...
Think about him...
The thing only in movies can happen came alive...
If I would see all those things in a movie I would definitely think that it was noncense and unreal...

But of course it is not an excuse for him to say what he said..
Just don't care about it...;)
As far as I'm concerned, Witchy is not the one who ruined those towers; which means that she's not to take such low attitude from any American; which means that the particular American in our case is a sick son of a bitch, period.
Surely they dont! It's the first time I see so much panicked reactions as indeed it wasnt me the one that had terried down the WTC! :lol:

I dont think that I'll ever talk to the first guy again! What an asshole! :(

The good thing was that the second one reconsidered and sent me an apologetic reply and offered me his friendship again. :)

But the first one and some others are just some assholes that are just trying to play it "GI Joes" or something and that's really annoying! In such cases it comes only to some fucking morons. And you know why? I also talk a lot with a guy that he sadly for him his nephew was in one of the planes. :s He was sad and emotioned but he never came out to bash around constanly and he never ever insulted me. Because he knows that i dont have anything against him.
Originally posted by BARBARIAN
because they don't know what they are doing right now..

We don't know what we're doing either (and it's been 20 years with terror, over 30000 innocent Turks killed), so let's call Witchy a cunt then expect her to simply ignore us. Good.
Originally posted by IRoN

so let's call Witchy a cunt then expect her to simply ignore us. Good.

Then what is your suggestion?
Does she really take care about the things of an asshole...
I'm not protecting or finding that guy right but I just say that witchy must not care about it because he is definitly acting like a fool...
You can't talk or argue with someone who is acting like a fool...Simply ignore him...
My suggestion: Retaliate; say something to make him aware of what a sick son of a bitch he's been. Otherwise, he'll go on and speak to the next woman in the same manner.

Take a look at it this way:
Do you suggest the American Muslims (or any other Muslim anywhere on the globe) to ignore those motherfuckers that attack the mosques today??? Should there be an incentive to motivate these assholes because they do not know what they're doing???

Or take a look at it this way:
Would you shut up and walk away if a troubled person comes up to you and voices his innocent opinion about your mother?
Originally posted by IRoN
My suggestion: Retaliate; say something to make him aware of what a sick son of a bitch he's been. Otherwise, he'll go on and speak to the next woman in the same manner.

Take a look at it this way:
Do you suggest the American Muslims (or any other Muslim anywhere on the globe) to ignore those motherfuckers that attack the mosques today??? Should there be an incentive to motivate these assholes because they do not know what they're doing???

Or take a look at it this way:
Would you shut up and walk away if a troubled person comes up to you and voices his innocent opinion about your mother?
Hey hey wait a minute...
I misunderstood then...
I thought that this guy was from some bb or from internet and just talking shit...
I thought that this is a friend of angel from internet...
And I said all that because you can't do something to a guy who is talking shit and acting like a fool on the internet and all you can do is to sware him like he does or just ignore him..?

If this is a person somewhere near you in real life of course you are right...
You know what would I do to a troubled person acting like in your post...

I think I got some false understanding about Angel's situation because I thought that she knew him only from the internet...
I know that guy a few years ago from the internet. We used to talk to each other and i had stood up for him many times and had saved his ass in difficult situations...

Just the way he behaved was not OK at all after all.
I remeber i had tried to chill out for a while 2 of my friends, almost one year ago that have quarelled with him because he had insulted em bad. I'd just tried to balance the things. I continued to talk with that guy for some time but ya know after had seen this I took their warning seriously and kept my distances. Since suddenly started telling that shit against me. To be honest I didnt expect him to treat me under that way...

And yeah! He can go and say things to his wife and children and not to me tho!:( As he's got a family. You see he isnt supposed to be an immature kid that didnt know how to behave. But honestly I dont really care, it was the shock that I never expect him to come with a particular reason in my thread and talk me like that. After all it wasnt me the one that had thrown the plane on the WTC.
I'm confused again...but whatever...
If this guy is in america and if you talk with him from the internet only all you can do is just not care about him and ignore him...
If you don't ,he might go on acting like a son of a bitch...And it will only make you more angry...
If he is somewhere near you ,send him here and we'll give him a lesson to be kind...;) :)
well Barb! I just dont care about him anymore! just someone that annoying why wasting my time upon him? :rolleyes:

dah! I dont really recomend this bb to people! I dont wanna it to be floaded by assholes! :rolleyes: