What do you like in a girl?

musicdreamer_chick said:
sorry..this is off metal topic.
This is the chat forum and we don't really discuss music here so you are not off-topic.

Chicks that write like this
CHEA! thanks guyz for your input
and chicks that think being like everybody else is cool can go fuck themself because I don't wanna touch them with a ten foot pole.
Just be yourself and you are off to a good start.
TB666 said:
This is the chat forum and we don't really discuss music here so you are not off-topic.

Chicks that write like this
and chicks that think being like everybody else is cool can go fuck themself because I don't wanna touch them with a ten foot pole.
Just be yourself and you are off to a good start.

mmm bitter much Tommy?
Basically what we look for in a girl are the following traits:

a) nice ass and tits
b) pretty face
c) listens to non crappy music
d) Is a freak in bed
e) Doesn't talk back unless asked to do so.
Oblivious Maximus said:
I want a hot girl, that treats other people like shit.
Sounds like the chick I'm seeing right now. If she's hit on by or introduced to a guy that isn't good looking, she'll just roll her eyes at him and won't even talk to him. What a bitch.
musicdreamer_chick said:
sorry..this is off metal topic.. but i'm having some problems with losers around here.. what does good men look for in a woman!

I need a mans perspective

I like the ones that "DONT" want to be married. I am a bit independant and hate the feeling of being coerced into anything...I was talking with a friend about some very personal things, ( like the fact that with my current girl or wife or whatever) she isnt bitchy, we comunicate, but she feels like she has to be with me 24 7 ( I cant breeth)It feels like im a teen whos been grounded

You know what he says? Well, they say we marry our mothers...
Im like "Oh so its a mental thing then?" :grin:
pure beauty. without makeup and stuff. just got outta bed, hair is a mess, but somehow she still looks beautiful. that's the real deal.

that, and a great personality. a girl that's not too sheltered, she doesn't need me to protect her and guide her all the damn time. i want someone who can stand on her own, independent and strong. like lean on me, lean on you kinda thing. a female equal. one who has a realistic but hopeful outlook on life and truly enjoys every moment. one who won't ditch me when shit gets tough.

and genuine trust. she wouldn't lie to me. if i'm being an ass, she'll tell me so. she'll be open to me about everything, won't have any secrets.

thats someone i would fall for.
C breasts
Nice ass
Flat stomach
Nice body
Legs and hips are very important
More together than me
Looks great anytime,anywhere
Looks great dressed with anything
Looks great in the morning, waking up from dead sleep.