Do you speak with an accent?

I agree. Just like how French speaking snobs get pissed when foreigners mispronounce words while attempting to speak their faggot language.

Fuck you, man. How can you generalize an entire country as snobs, and an entire language as "a faggot language"? I happen to love the French, and I speak French... and have you ever considered that the French are only snobs to assholes like you who come into their country insulting their culture and language?

If you were joking, then I apologize for being a bitch, but it doesn't seem like you were joking, and to be honest, only a complete moron would make a stupid blanket generalization like that.

I am going to get so flamed for this.
No you're not. Life Sucks is a legitimate moron a good part of the time and what you said is not at all out of line. Don't be so hard on yourself.
I'd made fun of you too.

If you're in a French speaking country and you ask for directions (or something along those lines) and they hear your foreign accent, they often just won't even respond. I've seen it happen more than once before.
They made fun of me a lot in Canada for being totally unable to pronounce French.

I have honestly never seen any English speaking person being ridiculed for trying to speak French around here. In fact, I have found that those who speak French tend to make more effort to understand those who try to speak their language (even pretty badly) than the English speaking people.
Il y a pas de probleme, mais ca veut dire quoi "ITT"?

suis heureuse qu'il y a un autre qui parle le francais ici, t'en parles couramment? (moi non)

Je parle français beaucoup mieux que l'anglais. Je n'ai jamais eu à parler anglais durant les 20 premières années de ma vie.