Do you speak with an accent?

Anata wa baaka.


Je parle français beaucoup mieux que l'anglais. Je n'ai jamais eu à parler anglais durant les 20 premières années de ma vie.

On peut voir ca, ton francais est parfait mais bien sur c'est ta langue premiere (est-ce qu'on peut se tutoyer?). Je suis desolee mais il y a beaucoup de temps depuis la derniere fois que j'ai parle le francais et plus mon clavier n'a pas des accents donc je crois que je me semble tres stupide quand je parle le francais.
Je suis une frites sivous plei?
Il y a pas de probleme, mais ca veut dire quoi "ITT"?

suis heureuse qu'il y a un autre qui parle le francais ici, t'en parles couramment? (moi non)
"ITT" = in this thread :p
Courament? Non. Je n'avais pas parlé francais depuis trois ans. Mais, j'ai étudié le français commençant quand j'avais six ans.

Je pense que je ferais beacoup de fautes :)
Stop with the French. Please.

So do you speak Japanese, or do you just like to call people baka?

I took a little class once I don't remember much. Pretty much how to call someone an idiot and to say I'm american.
Ehh..hablas espanol? :goggly:

haha si, un poco pero hay mucho tiempo que no hable espanol y no soy una buena estudiante del espanol.

Why would a few posts in french really be so infuriating tbh

Seriously. Chill out guys. C vraiment ennuyeux tbh. Go change your tampon and quit complaining. <-- well, not you melodeath.

I took a little class once I don't remember much. Pretty much how to call someone an idiot and to say I'm american.

haha, nice.
I have honestly never seen any English speaking person being ridiculed for trying to speak French around here. In fact, I have found that those who speak French tend to make more effort to understand those who try to speak their language (even pretty badly) than the English speaking people.
I should've said this in my original post but it wasn't random people it was my friends who made fun of me. I never actually had to speak French, it was just when trying to read packaging and things like that.