Do you speak with an accent?

I was wondering if Romanian is that hard, I'd like to learn some after I'm done with other ones I plan to learn.

I think its a Romantic language. My uncle said someone who speaks Spanish, French or Italian can understand a little bit. It probably isn't that hard, or at least not as hard as Chinese.
I think its a Romantic language. My uncle said someone who speaks Spanish, French or Italian can understand a little bit. It probably isn't that hard, or at least not as hard as Chinese.
Eeh... I've been studdying Spanish for a half of year and I can't understand a single word in Romanian. Oh well...
My grandmother knows Romanian. I've never had the slightest inclination to start learning it though. Sounds pretty ugly to me. It's like Russian backwards.
I've never heard Romanian before, but it seems to have big differences from Spanish like having no Arabic influence.
أنا يوقن أنّ يستعمل أنت حقّا بعض نوع من مترجم أو معجم

I can read the letters but I don't understand much Arabic anymore...

Also yes guys, Romanian is a romance language...
Not that you needed any more confirmation, but I learned about it in my linguistics class :)
أنا يوقن أنّ يستعمل أنت حقّا بعض نوع من مترجم أو معجم

انت اكيد انك تعرف عربي؟


I understood that.

If this is going to persist, i'm going to talk in Armenian.
something annoying...

I'll say something in hull speak. Yu fukin wat m8. Bairns out larkin. You best not say owt or il kill yuh m8.