Do you speak with an accent?

Americans can't even speak THEIR OWN FUCKING LANGUAGE correctly sometimes, so I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

Agreed. I remember every time traveling in Europe, and having Europeans apologize to me for their, "bad" English. I understood them better than at least half the population in Oakland, CA.
I'm from New Jersey, but I'm from SOUTH Jersey...and no one around there ever talked like a New Yorker. I'm tired of people going "JOISEY!!" Every time I tell them where I'm from. It's fucking annoying. Once in a while, when I'm drunk, I say "cuall" instead of "call" but I've been surprised to hear not only myself but other people tell me that I have a midwestern Illinois/Wisonsin accent quite often. It's weird because I'm not from there, and I've only been to Illinois ONCE.

Haha who knows?

Maybe it has something to do with all of the Chicagoans moving down here to Metro Atlanta at a rapid pace...and that my best friend of 5 years is also from there.
pretty sure l33t started with CStrike

You'd be wrong

Leet originated within bulletin board systems in the 1980s,[1][2] where having "elite" status on a BBS allowed a user access to file folders, games, and special chat rooms, often including archives of pirated software, pornography, or text files documenting topics such as how to construct explosives and manufacture illegal drugs.[3] One theory is that it was developed to defeat text filters created by BBS or Internet Relay Chat system operators for message boards to discourage the discussion of forbidden topics, like cracking and hacking.[1] However, creative misspellings and ASCII-art-derived words were also a way to attempt to indicate one was knowledgeable about the culture of computer users. Once reserved to use by hackers, crackers, and script kiddies, Leet has since entered the mainstream.[1] It is now also used to mock newbies, or newcomers, on web sites, or in gaming communities.[4] Some consider emoticons and ASCII art, like smiley faces, to be Leet, while others maintain that Leet consists of only symbolic word encryption. More obscure forms of Leet, involving the use of symbol combinations and almost no letters or numbers, continue to be used for its original purpose of encrypted communication. It is also sometimes used as a script language.[5]
I don't understand why people use leet in online games. Typing normally is always faster.
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