Do you speak with an accent?


"broo-tal" like it's spelled or "broodle" like "poodle"?
Im Swedish and people do usually know Im from the Stockholm area if I go outside of Stockholm. Its pretty easy to notice that a person isnt "from here" if he or she is visiting as well.

When speaking english I of course have a swedish accent, allthough I hope not as bad as some others. Alot of the pronounciation I learned came from american english since we mostly get american tv-shows and movies over here. However my ex-girlfriend is english so I picked up alot of british english when I was with her. So now when I speak its with a swedish accent that mixes american and british english. Weirdness, I tell you :)
But a curse that´s apparently strong in Britain is bloody which i dont think seems very strong,but twat is a cool curse,not as cool as perkele or voivittu(buttercunt) though.

I LOVE "bloody" as a curse :D And then we hae bollocks, twat, fucking hell (its quite sexy they way they pronounce this) etc. I absolutely love british english. Then again there are big differences, or so Im told, between what parts of Britain you are from. Im most used to how they speak in the Midlands - Bham area.
Bloody isn't a curse.
I get thacked round the ear for using it but that's just my mum.

Cunt is my favourite. Specially when you get a londoner's accent around it.

I think it is. It sure is used as one by the people I know over there.

"Bloody" in front of a curse of choice works like "bloody hell" or even if one cant find the toothbrush one can say "where's the bloody toothbrush". Bloody twat is nice as well. Its never bloody by itself though (or I havent heard it like that).

Wanker is also a great curse :)
get a British accent like the characters in the film The Business have and all curses sound hilarous. You facking cant. I'm cummin rown yor owse.
Now old swedish "mild" cursing can be really funny when translated:

Järnspikar - iron spikes
(För) sjutton gubbar - (for) seventeen guys

Thats all I can remember right now. They dont make much sense but its legitimate cursing over here allthough not common these days.