Do you speak with an accent?

on the intro it says say-gah

I know, that's how it's pronounced in English. I'm just saying that the actual Japanese pronunciation would be seh-guh. Someone was saying earlier that it's say-guh because it's Japanese and that's not true.

Okay, now I feel really retarded for getting into an internet argument about this.
Usually with a hard "t" but if I'm speaking lazily then I'll pronounce it like the latter.

This doesn't really have anything to do with my regional accent though, it's just my personal preference.

yeah same. sometimes for emphasis i say something like "DAMN. THAT WAS BROO-TAL." other times i say something like "you know there was this pretty broodle band i heard the other night".
I took a Japanese class and the e is pronounced as "ay". I'm am pretty sure there are no exceptions. I used to watch anime in Japanese (with subtitles, I'm not that much of a loser) and I never ever heard "eh" on a word with an e in it.
^Cool, so you're a Scottish immigrant to Australia? I need to record my voice reading and saying lines on here sometime, then we can know what a Tannassee accent sounds like. :lol:
At Winter: Have you been on MSN lately? I added you but haven't seen you on yet.
Scottish :) With a little tint of Aussie in there!

Throw another fried mars barn on the barbie?

the kaps hav smlal peniss and therfor ecann9to influence ma probouction atinon of anyhitng @D

Well that's the Alcohol + Limited Intelligence.

:lol: The scottish one does pwn the aussie one.
I thought I liked Irish accents till I heard this blokes missus on Gordon Ramseys F Word and she annoyed the fuck outta me with her voice.