Do you think that an extreme metal band could ever "break"

Life Sucks said:
By break, I mean break into the mainstream. As we all know, a couple thrash bands have done it. Megadeath obviously did because they are softer, but I wonder what it is about Pantera and pre-black-album Metallica that caused them to gain popularity. Even though they are not metal, Slipknot managed to break into the mainstream whilst having harsh vocals and blastbeats. I wonder if any extreme metal bands have the qualities to make them quite popular. There are a few death metal bands that I think could attain the popularity that Pantera once enjoyed.

Which death metal bands are you talking about making it as big as Pantera? I dont think a true death/black metal/grindcore band will ever make it as mainstream as Metallica or Slipknot. Firstly, because their aesthetic is too harsh and ugly for mainstream standards so its not digestible at all. The only chance is to break mainstream is when they make it sound as accessible as In Flames. Or Cradle of Filth softening up the black metal sound and marketing the gothy image. Secondly, black metal is way too contraversial because it has connections with Nazism and White Power groups. Pantera, Slipknot and early Metallica made it big even with their hard sound, because its still relatively simple and catchy. I think the bottom line is that the masses see music through just image (and anything else for a matter of fact) and they do not really take it as seriously as the average metalhead. They buy into it because it's "ooh, buying their albums will make me seem more dark and angry" or simply just for novelty. I mean just look at the current emo trend now. It is somewhat hip to be an outsider which can explain why some metal made it big.

By the way, I dont like the term extreme metal. Makes me feel like I'm getting a sports drink product.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
If the, you know, INSTRUMENTS were extreme still, why would it not be extreme? A band playing heavy, angular metal is not automatically disqualified from the realm of extremity for having all clean vocals...
Give me some examples of extreme metal bands with all or almost all clean vocals. I'm curious. I can only think of very few.
man vvvvv is a crazy dude wtf is angular metal./yo i will pay the Beers .yo v prepare cos im a heavy drinker or wasted though .<><>

Wouldn't Dimmu Borgir be an example of an extreme metal band gaining a decent amout of popularity? Of course, they're not that good, and are hated because of misrepresenting a genre, but they are still extreme metal and are rather popular for their type.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I beg to differ. R&B vocals in a metal song would not work, or vice versa.
And I was only talking about vocal style in relation to extreme metal. But along the same lines, Dream Theatre style vocals wouldn't fit with death metal music.
MURAI said:
Which death metal bands are you talking about making it as big as Pantera? I dont think a true death/black metal/grindcore band will ever make it as mainstream as Metallica or Slipknot. Firstly, because their aesthetic is too harsh and ugly for mainstream standards so its not digestible at all. The only chance is to break mainstream is when they make it sound as accessible as In Flames. Or Cradle of Filth softening up the black metal sound and marketing the gothy image. Secondly, black metal is way too contraversial because it has connections with Nazism and White Power groups. Pantera, Slipknot and early Metallica made it big even with their hard sound, because its still relatively simple and catchy. I think the bottom line is that the masses see music through just image (and anything else for a matter of fact) and they do not really take it as seriously as the average metalhead. They buy into it because it's "ooh, buying their albums will make me seem more dark and angry" or simply just for novelty. I mean just look at the current emo trend now. It is somewhat hip to be an outsider which can explain why some metal made it big.

By the way, I dont like the term extreme metal. Makes me feel like I'm getting a sports drink product.
Some bands close to death metal have gotten pretty popular. Probably the most popular of them is Lamb of God. Then, of course, several metalcore bands have gotten pretty well known. Metalcore can be wimpy and emo, but some of it can actually be considered extreme metal. Unfortunately, the currently most popular death metal band (Six Feet Under) is one of the worst. There are metal bands that are even more catchy than they are (Dismember, Man Must Die, Malevolent Creation, Dying Fetus (even though I don't like them), etc.) that could easily surpass SFU in popularity.
Kinda off topic, but not really. I am in a non-metal band. My friend (who is actually a local celebrity of sorts, not that it matters) asked me to join this musical project he has. It is some kinda electro/techno/pop music, and he wanted to add distorted guitar. So, all the riffs I wrote are metal. Shitloads of palm muting, minor scale, and a very distorted guitar sound. Even though the music is not metal overall, the guitar riffs are. He loves my riffs, and I wonder how it will go over once we start playing live and release our CD. I think that the public will dig the thrashy riffs in the context of the techno backbone, normal vocals, and humorous lyrics.
Impudent said:

Wouldn't Dimmu Borgir be an example of an extreme metal band gaining a decent amout of popularity? Of course, they're not that good, and are hated because of misrepresenting a genre, but they are still extreme metal and are rather popular for their type.
I guess. CoF's music is not too far removed from their sound, and they are even more popular. SFU are real death metal, and suck, and are as popular as hell for an extreme metal band. It's odd how the most popular extreme metal bands are the worst.
the thing is with music is that it's more about image and catchiness than musical ability

that's why the MTV kids loved limp bizkit... so how do you make an extreme metal band be catchy enough for the MTV morons??
No offense to anyone, but "extreme metal" is one of the most retarded music labels.

It's probably just as retarded as labeling a band from the 60s-70s as "classic rock".

IWP said:
No offense to anyone, but "extreme metal" is one of the most retarded music labels.

It's probably just as retarded as labeling a band from the 60s-70s as "classic rock".

I must say, that I disagree 100%. Extreme metal is more agressive and heavier, with vocalst that are not sung in the traditional sense (there is no vocal melody). A band that is clearly traditional metal and a band that is clearly extreme metal almost play a totally different style of music from one another. Bands like Darkthrone, Graveland, Suffocation, Immolation, Demigod, etc. have almost nothing in common musically with bands such as Halloween, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Jag Panzer, etc.