Do you think that an extreme metal band could ever "break"

I agree with that, but you need to stop calling In Flames and Soilwork crap. :p

While both bands are pretty much crap NOW (I happen to LOVE Figure Number Five though), they both had their respective periods of good stuff; early In Flames sounds like a more folky Iron Maiden with "blackened" vocals, whereas early Soilwork sounds like a more menacing Judas Priest crossed with random bouts of technicality.
I agree with that, but you need to stop calling In Flames and Soilwork crap. :p

While both bands are pretty much crap NOW (I happen to LOVE Figure Number Five though), they both had their respective periods of good stuff; early In Flames sounds like a more folky Iron Maiden with "blackened" vocals, whereas early Soilwork sounds like a more menacing Judas Priest crossed with random bouts of technicality.
Oh, I meant that they are crap now, not their early stuff. I actually like some early In Flames and Soilwork. Stand Ablaze is an awesome song.
In Flames -biosphere is probably the bands more iron maidenish song.
Some bands close to death metal have gotten pretty popular. Probably the most popular of them is Lamb of God. Then, of course, several metalcore bands have gotten pretty well known. Metalcore can be wimpy and emo, but some of it can actually be considered extreme metal. Unfortunately, the currently most popular death metal band (Six Feet Under) is one of the worst. There are metal bands that are even more catchy than they are (Dismember, Man Must Die, Malevolent Creation, Dying Fetus (even though I don't like them), etc.) that could easily surpass SFU in popularity.

Lamb of God, I guess we can consider them the Pantera of this decade. They sound like them somewhat with their groove riffs and guitar tone. Six Feet Under got that big just because of how well known Chris Barnes is. I agree, Dismember and Dying Fetus (mid period work especially) have some potential to make it big. But, I dont think Malevolent Creation can ever get that big. Maybe later Entombed and Amorphis has a good chance too now that you think about it.

Metal may have become more accessible thanks to the net and no longer as "underground" anymore. Since it is so easy now to shop for albums online and research bands. I admit, I may not be into metal now if it wasn't for it. Nu-metal was accepted in the 90s, like I said earlier, because it is cool to be the grumpy, angry outsider in the mainstream. Now it is the emo/metalcore trend. Hair metal was mentioned earlier, compare how it had the party image to the disgruntled attitude to the mainstream metal of the last 2 decades.
Its ok for Sacha Baron Cohen (Jew) to dress up as some guy from Kasakstan and rip it out on jews, so I find it stupid that anyone else who would say 'Throw the jew down the well' would probably be joining Sadam with a rope around their neck.

Bigdave is a Negro.