Do You think we're forever?

Sure. I think so....well maybe not 'forever' But is there something beyond death?..... Im not a christian or buddist or anything but i beleive there is more to this world then this. Look at ghosts. The body is only a vehicle for the soul. Im not my leg or my arm, im not even the gray puffy matter that is my brain. I am only the energy raceing though my brain. You are your thoughts, which are energy. Energy is eternal. I think death and the afterlife must be something of a dream. Everyone has their own personal afterworld. Its just a dream that never ends. Whether its heaven or hell is probaly up to you even though it may be out of your control. Anyway, You get what you believe. If I knew with all my soul id go to heaven or something, then when i die , i think my 'dream' would take me there,,, unless of course i was plagued subconsciencly by christian guilt , in which case i'd probaly punish myself. Okay, i think im saying don't beleive in hell or you might go there.
well i think i will stop there.
Originally posted by Hail Eris!
Sure. I think so....well maybe not 'forever' But is there something beyond death?..... Im not a christian or buddist or anything but i beleive there is more to this world then this. Look at ghosts. The body is only a vehicle for the soul. Im not my leg or my arm, im not even the gray puffy matter that is my brain. I am only the energy raceing though my brain. You are your thoughts, which are energy. Energy is eternal. I think death and the afterlife must be something of a dream. Everyone has their own personal afterworld. Its just a dream that never ends. Whether its heaven or hell is probaly up to you even though it may be out of your control. Anyway, You get what you believe. If I knew with all my soul id go to heaven or something, then when i die , i think my 'dream' would take me there,,, unless of course i was plagued subconsciencly by christian guilt , in which case i'd probaly punish myself. Okay, i think im saying don't beleive in hell or you might go there.
well i think i will stop there.

WOW, that is exactly what i believe, you can go anywhere. Your conscience reads and takes things in and forms your beliefs which are fed to your subconscience which assist in manipulating your superconscience which takes over when you die. Therefore everyone is their own GOD and i believe we are all somewhat connected which forms some kind of universal GOD ( for lack of a better word) or if you don't believe anything will happen, it won't. It is all up to yourself and the way you filter information. I did this quickly, I may have not explained myself well post inspired me because it is so close to what i believe....later
"WOW, that is exactly what i believe, you can go anywhere. Your conscience reads and takes things in and forms your beliefs which are fed to your subconscience which assist in manipulating your superconscience which takes over when you die. "

Right on! That's exactly what I was struggling to say.

"Therefore everyone is their own GOD and i believe we are all somewhat connected which forms some kind of universal GOD"

Yeah, I think that too. Its cool to know other people have this belief. I didn't know anyone else thought about it this way.
Originally posted by ryanH
Do we live forever?
Life itself is a strange thing...absolutley insignificant...but why not enjoy it... live it ...spend time with friends, family,lovers; read a book, walk in the woods...

My feeling exactly :) I pity people who get so hung up on work, enemies, and the like -- seriously, take a chill pill people, and realise that the amount of time we're here on earth is not even a blink when compared to the time that came before us and the length of time to come, so squeeze every drop out of it while you can :)

Peace man :grin:
Originally posted by Hail Eris!
Sure. I think so....well maybe not 'forever' But is there something beyond death?..... Im not a christian or buddist or anything but i beleive there is more to this world then this. Look at ghosts. The body is only a vehicle for the soul. Im not my leg or my arm, im not even the gray puffy matter that is my brain. I am only the energy raceing though my brain. You are your thoughts, which are energy. Energy is eternal. I think death and the afterlife must be something of a dream. Everyone has their own personal afterworld. Its just a dream that never ends. Whether its heaven or hell is probaly up to you even though it may be out of your control. Anyway, You get what you believe. If I knew with all my soul id go to heaven or something, then when i die , i think my 'dream' would take me there,,, unless of course i was plagued subconsciencly by christian guilt , in which case i'd probaly punish myself. Okay, i think im saying don't beleive in hell or you might go there.
well i think i will stop there.

Then who are to control that that's exactly what happends? If we think in the norm that humans today can relate to, it will be an extremely intelligent machine to process all that. Infact a machine on the scale of the god christianity whorship today...

But it is an interesting theory that the mysterius ghost that noone can explain today, might be remenants of the energy that our body and "soul" posesses.
it's funky how much energy i can derive from KNOWING (for me funky little self) that the death of my body will be the end of my world, my role in this our play. as i don't have anything else but this life, why should i spoil it? i wonder why people who really BELIEVE in a better world (however this should look. every paradise is a hell if you look closer at it) don't just kill themselves to get there faster. :lol:

in this respect i love the idea of tolkien that the fire of human life flickers so brightly (by contrast to those slow and eternal elves) because it is so goddamn short. if there was an eternity afterwards, we would find it very boring i guess...

and by the way, i wouldn't think it to be fair of a god to judge my eternal life after death (heaven or hell which are very similar to each other but let's leave that one...) after some seventy years on earth (which is compared to eternity, not really THAT long...).

well, the D I E - thing is really scary. ouch...
so long, keep on singing:loco:
What about this… you born… you live… later you die... funny These are facts of life… we know why death exists. When people are really sick and in pain it can be a burden lifter… some are happy to go BUT then we understand Death and what seemed much easier to understand becomes a seven-headed beast. What's Life for?? To continue or cycle, to terminate the BIG circle? So if you think about this you’ll comprehend we are nothing but animals with brains. But we now how mankind is, we have to complicate everything,. Even our more basic instincts become hard. Ye have sons then you’ll have to marry, work, etc etc…

Mmm it's like this, Informatics was invented to resolve problems no one had before

YE!!! That’s what I say to all people. WE ARE OR OWN GODS
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
My thoughts exactly!

I think that it's the survival instinct of man kind that have crossed over it's own boundries with the curse that we have to complicate everything. Our soul is in fact only a very advanced biological computer controled by little electrical pulses. Nothing else has been proved so nothing else should have been believed.
Human logic essentially means nothing. So what if we are "rational" creatures. This just happens to be the stage humans have evolved too. The very act of thought, action and supposed rationality does not make human beings suppurior. It does not mean we have some special place in the universe. It means what it is before everyone mucks it up...Human beings have a different way of acting and reacting than many other creatures do...
Nothing in the universe is inferior, superior or even equal to eachother. Everything's relationship just is...
im so happy i think im going to cry! you actually understand.
Well i think im a bit (not much mind you) superior to a dog i crossed in the street... even if its not just because i dont drool… very often. In this planet we may consider ourselves the big bullies, meaning we do what we want, when we want and only later we shall pay for it.

Truth is that in the end of the game both the pawn and the king return to the same box
Originally posted by discouraged1
Yeah, Pandora's box...

i always wanted to understand the Pandora's Box thing... so i studied a bit.

Under the greek tradition Pandora was the first wife of Epitemeu. Pandora symbolizes the double aspect of women personality. She possesses all the characteristics that were conferred to her by her creators the gods Hefesto and Atena: her attributes were beauty, intelligence, grace, tenderness and persuasion. She would have been conceived, on this aspects, under Zeus orders. But, on the other side, by Hermes bequest, she also possessed treason and lie. Meanwhile Zeus should have given her a box, Pandora’s Box, deposit for all good and all evil. Only remained hope after it was open by Epitemeu.

...these greeks
Originally posted by LoboUivante
Truth is that in the end of the game both the pawn and the king return to the same box
unquestionably, but you're not supposed to live in that box, so it doesn't matter if that's the same of kings'.
it is said that death makes all men equal (luckily nothing is said about women, i'll keep on hoping :grin: ), but that always left me unsatisfied...