Do you think we're forever?

Well.. I'm agreeing with athiest on this one. I've got a lot of friends who like a lot of different music, and I can't classify them based on that. A very good friend of mine is actually a freestyle rapper, several of them, in fact. So I can appreciate the art form to a degree, and again, depending on the artist.

But anyway.. Forever is a big word. Like love, hate and never. They imply a permanence that other words can't even describe.

I don't think we're forever, individually. I think that we begin at a point.. and end at a point. Beyond those points, our souls are just cosmic dust floating in the ether.. they come to being, they leave being. They go back to the ether. They mix with others. Parts of them may be called into being again, but not alone. So each of us carries in our souls the experiences of a billion lives before, and will share that with a billion more in the future.

Or maybe I'm talking out of my ass.. heh.
I didn't say that any of my "generalizations" were good Ideas...In fact, I think they are quite ignorant themselves, but I am very closed-minded when it comes to music...I take it a bit more seriously....
I don't care if anybody calls me "stupid bigoted self important fool", but if somebody called my sister a "dirty goth" than that person would be in deep shit, which kind of negates the "self important" part of the insult...
I don't have any pop or rapper friends...I know, and I have had conversations with many people who fall under those categories, but I don't see them as my friends because I don't like them very much, and I don't think they like me much either... as I have said before it's a mutual kind of hate...
I agree that there were, at one time rappers, who were serious about their message ( I can't recall any names now), but that is long gone...Now they prefer to sing about women's underwear and the sensation that is sex...
People judge other people by what they think is important...Some think it's race, some think it's religion, some think it's sexuality, but I think it's music...all those other groups that I have named have often killed to make themselves heard. I don't plan on killing anybody, because a dead person doesn't listen to any kind of music...I would much rather subject the people that I feel necessary to abnormal amounts of physical and emotional torture until they are willing to admit that the music that they are listening to is complete shit, and start listening to what ever I tell them to...My work is still in its early stages, but I'm getting there.
Now I am going to address you godisanathiest, and give you a hand with your next reply...These are some of the words that you can call me and that will apply to me in one way or another:
A fuck, oblivious fuck, shallow fuck, shallow cunt, ignorant fuck, ignorant ass, ignorant asshole, ignorant cunt, ignorant fool, a maniac, psycho, and so on....I am, actually, a very nice person and a joy to be around. Thank You...
Those of us who deal with art or science and create something that infulences humanity in any way, become partially immortal. When the body dies, our ideas and a part of our spirit lives on in the minds of generations to come.
I pose the following question to all who would answer...

If you were to jump out of an airplane without a parashute would you cease to "exsist" the moment you leave the plane or the moment you hit the ground? If all memory and being is erased upon death then what would happen once a person is "condemned" yet still technically alive ? ...And why do we even have concious thought right now if this is true?
Hit the ground.

The time between jumping out of the plane and hitting the ground would be the highest few moments of awareness, consciousness, and rampant flickering of thoughts imaginable. You'd be more so alive then than ever. And then... well, a circular cloud of Wile E. Coyote-esque dust ensues...
despot is 100% completely right... im totally with you bro about music... you can definately judge people by the music they listen to.... at least 95% of people.... theres no doubt about that..... but if you want to hear rap... you gotta hear this one guy rap freestyle.... hes a WHITE GUY.... hes really really skilled... he has rythm and timing and can think of shit really fast off the top of his head....... email me ill send whoever the mp3 trust me its really impressive..... this is the kind of rap that is good... unlike slow stupid shootem up rap
Yeah, I never actually said if i think we're for ever. I think when we die we die, religion and heaven was invented for many reasons but i think one of them was to enable people to believe we're forever.
So despot if u agree your generalisations are not good ideas, and are ignorant why do you use them? I take music very seriously, just about above nearly everthing else and because of that I'm deliberately open minded anbd have eclectic tastes. Y limit yourself to listenming 2 one style because you don't like the attitude of some others? You're missing out on a hell of a lot!
I wasn't actually calling u a biggotted self impoprtant fool, i just like arguing :) Incase u thought i was.
They probably don't like you because of ur attitude to them, if oyu gave these people a chance I'm sure you'd find many of them are very nice, I mean saying you don't like sum1 because of the music they listen to is utterly ridculous, friendships DON'T revolve amount music. I'm sure there are still underground rappers who have a serious msg.
People do judge by what they think is important but this is usually more than one thing, like their personality and whether they are nice people. Do you mean 2 tell me you would preffer to be friends with a real fuckhead who listens 2 metal than a very nice person who doesn't listen 2 metal? I think if u do u are a very shallow person, you must judge by more than just their musical taste?
Why the hell don't u just let people be happy listening to the music they like? what gives you the right to change them? They have just as much right as you to listen to what they want 2 listen 2 without people judging them 4 it.
I don't want 2 insult u, u have very interesting views on life and music which i disagree with, but none the less respect u 4 satnding by them. And I like arguing.
Now 2 Mikael is god, how can u say that sum1's personality is inherintly linked 2 the music they listen 2? or do you not judge your friends and people by their personality only musical taste? Because then as I said 2 despot u must b very shallow. I don't want ne1 2 feel I'm getting at them, I'm suyre you're both really nice, I just want 2 understand y u feel like that about other types of music?
Originally posted by discouraged1
So..................Do you think we're forever ?
:confused: :rolleyes: :goggly:

Hmm.. depends on what your definition of "we" is. If you mean we as in the energy of the universe itself then we are probably forever. If you mean we as in this particular energy pattern we call a human then the answer is definitely not. The universe is in constant flux, and we, being just an expression of the infinite variation of the universe, are the flux itself.

We have no reason to think/believe that human consciousness exists outside of the brain.

Mind evolved with the brain and is just a function of the brain, just like a heartbeat is just a function of the heart. The thought (immortality) that mind can exist without the brain is like thinking a heartbeat can exist without the heart - it can't.

If anyone can give any logical reason why consciousness would/could exist independent of the brain which gave it life then I'd love to hear it. I'm always amazed at how many people think they are immortal, is it just fear of death? mythical rhetoric? Oh well, it doesn't matter, in 60 or 70 years we'll all be dead anyhow, a thought that doesn't haunt me in the least.

Part of embracing life is embracing death. For the immortal among us, this is an impossible task.

Opeth is my favorite band, hands down.

But I listen to a wide variety of other music. Thrash metal, death metal, black metal...

...and then RAP, classic rock, TECHNO and all that good shit.

I enjoy going out at night and getting high and drunk and chilling with girls. No I don't bring Opeth with me either, because I am not an idiot. I don't see what's wrong with this type of lifestyle. I don't try to be someone I am not... I am who I am... and that's the only thing I need to know to make me happy.

So fuck your pretentious elitism. You are no better than the people that listen to rap and do drugs and wear their pants to their ankles.
better at what? come on people you are taking me way too seriously...Yes I am a hardcore metal head, I have been since age 10, but I don't really torture people or anything like that....Sometimes I really want to, but I think they have laws against that... I value music very highly....I don't know why, I just do....sometimes this is a gift, but sometimes it is a flaw...It is a flaw when I flip out on somebody because they are listening to rap or pop..... I often do make fun of their dress code, and body language, if you will.... But if I walked by a group of rappers, I am sure that they would be inspired to make a few jokes about, how tight my pants are, and how long my hair is...So it's not like they are some sort of oppressed group of people that everybody makes fun of, awww poor babies.... I'm sure that there are nice people who listen to above mentioned kinds of music, and I never said there aren't any...It's just that I don't care enough to go looking for them....
What else?.....Oh yeah, I don't just listen to metal... I highly value blues, with out blues there would be no metal..... I also love classical music, flamenco, and classic rock..... but I PREFER metal... I still do use music when judging people, and I don't know what's the big fucking deal.....I have many friends in 3 countries of the world, and I am quite happy... In my life I was friends with only one person that actively listen to rap, and he turned out to be a complete fuck up....He wanted to be black so badly that he decided not to shower for over 3 months...He was also a pathological liar....Now, I'm not saying that he was like this because he listened to rap, nor am I saying that all rappers are like this, it makes me laugh, so I frequently mention it....
Now, back to what I asked at the begining. Better at what? I am the ultimate champion at playing hearts, so chances are that I am better at that than almost anybody.... I will not say anything else because I might offend some of you touchy people here... Well, I have to say this, FUCK POLITICAL CORRECTNESS... I would really like to have a little chat with people who came up with that concept.....
FUCK YES BRO..... thats bullshit... i used to listen to rap alot... and trust me i used to be a really big faggot asshole.... i am living proof that the music has alot to do with personality..... in most cases.... but i happen to like classic rock, hard rock, classical, techno.... and fuck it i like old school rap and i like underground rap.... but the kids who walk down the street wearing their pants down their ankles and sideways hats and talking like they are from the ghetto when they are brought up with rich parents in the suburbs...... thats just stupid and trust me they are assholes.... they are tough guys thats what they think at least.... i cant remember ever meeting somebody like that that didnt think the solution to everything was fighting... thers alot of shit wrong with these people.... and we dont necesarilly mean EVERY SINGLE rap fan... because theres ones that arent.... but if you stoop as low as acting like somebody you are not... then theres a 99.999 chance that you are a dick and fucking retarded asshole
Originally posted by Demonspell
Would I want to live forever? Hell no. Would I like to know what will become of my planet in the future? Hell yes.

hehe, I feel the same way:) I'm just curious about what will happen too.

I think humans may prevent the next ice age or at least jump ship before the planet dies again (for the 3rd time since life started on this planet). It's not so much a matter of "if" as it is a matter of "when". If we can last just a little while longer I think humans will evolve the technology/capacity to live just about anywhere. Considering how suited to survival we are, I'm confident humans will live on and evolve indefinitely.

It would be cool to think that hundreds of thousands or even millions of years from now (which is just a cosmic blink) there will be beings which evolved from us and they will remember us as fondly as we remember and revere our ancestors who forged societies and drew on caves. It's so beautiful and so cool. They will learn about our society and quirks and have a wealth of information on us that we are leaving behind. yeehaw.

I believe u said not that they were not nice people but that they led "ignorant full of shit lives"? Can't remember the exact wording, but saying that just because of their musical taste is just as bad as saying they aren't nice people.
I think the big fucking deal here is that you judge your friends not by their personality but by their musical taste, which I think is narcissistic. I foten agree with the fuck political correctness thing, but here I'mnot trying to be politically correct, i think it is common sense to choose ur friends by their personality, I only argue with things I don't agree with, not things that aren't politically coorect.
Mikale is god, do u think that personality is due to the music or thew music you listen to is because of ur personality, just out of interest? I agree with the second one, that the music you listen 2 can show what type of personality you are, but there are MANY exceptions to that, and i think living you're life by those assumptions and generalisations is stoopid 2 say the least.
I think its fair 2 say rap has been diluted and commercialised 2 a ridiculous level, but this doesn't mean that all rappers and all fans were brought up by rich parents in the suburbs and stuff like that.
Many rap fans probably don't even try to be some1 they're not, they just like the music. And while there is something wrong with acting like sum1 ur not due to image, i think it can break many preconceptions you haver if you do it just as an experience. So why not lsiten 2 some rap and see?