Does race matter in metal?

Stoner Rock Chick said:
As for why black people are left out of metal or decide metal isn't for them, I'm half white and half Native so there is no way I could, nor will, ever speak for them.

Well, I can speak for them because I am black. My family doesn't get it. Narrow-mindedness towards music goes both ways. They do respect the muscianship, though. It's not for them because they can't relate to it as well as I can. I don't really care to think about it anymore.
Lord667 that was a very well thought out reply! Thanks.

Metal, soul, blues, post rock, what have's alive and well and there to be enjoyed for everyone.

Bryant is 100 percent right. There is a ton of metal in Japan. In the older days, tons of metal bands would head to Japan, as that's where they could make it - Anvil, etc.
nergal_S said:
And you cant say Hispanic you have to say Latino. What dose Latino mean? Its a word that makes no sense, Latins are from Rome, Latinos are from South America?

Probably due to the fact that Spanish is a language that comes from latin, therefore people who speak spanish are latinos. Let's not get deeper into this discussion, since i'm not a language guru :p
Yes some heavy metal albums sell very well in Japan probably cause the Japanese have an interest in anything in American culture. But you'll NEVER see heavy metal getting any media coverage over there, so it's pretty much more underground there.
Wicked Child said:
So, since I'm latin, i can't listen to the music that sounds good to me? Just because I'm not pure white I can't choose what music i want to listen to? So....what you're saying is...I CAN'T LISTEN TO METAL, THE MUSIC I LOVE, THE MUSIC THAT JUST HAPPENS TO SOUND GOOD TO MY EARS BECAUSE I'M LATIN!!!??? That is THE single dumbest thing I have EVER heard!!!! There's is no god damn law that says that! If there is, show it to me, you fuck! I only have two words for you, you full of shit,racist maggot:

FUCK YOU!!!!!!

there is no fisical rules , but you FAILD in the theory of the thing!
i dont give a shit on you race listen to R. WANGNER i dont give a fuck
but know that sone peopole hate you! like you hate me right now...:)
nergal_S said:
I realy dont under stand racist people my self, Are they so insecure with them selves? People are people, there are good and bad people every were. Its very easy to hate some one based on there race.

easy to you! you dont fase stupid peopole every day! here in israel there a lot of it and here all know that white peopole are smarter and bether than the rest
varg9 said:
easy to you! you dont fase stupid peopole every day! here in israel there a lot of it and here all know that white peopole are smarter and bether than the rest
I, for one, disagree with that. Personally, I am German-American, and I have no prejudice against any race.
varg9 said:
easy to you! you dont fase stupid peopole every day! here in israel there a lot of it and here all know that white peopole are smarter and bether than the rest

You need to learn proper grammar, I don’t think any one under stands what you are saying. If you want I can speak in Ukrainian to you (I am Russian) but I hate Racists, and I Hate Zionists, I don’t know which one you are but I am guessing you are one of the two.
varg9 said:
... all know that white peopole are smarter and bether than the rest
Varg9, YOU are the best example, that this theory is pure nonsense - you are white, but are you smarter, better? -NO, you are nothing than a pile of shit!
But perhaps I should pity you, because I'm sure in real life you are a poor
sow, full of sexual minority complexes - so I can only advise you to consult a psychiatrist, instead of spaming full this forum with your sick ideas! :devil:
Yara said:
Varg9, YOU are the best example, that this theory is pure nonsense - you are white, but are you smarter, better? -NO, you are nothing than a pile of shit!
But perhaps I should pity you, because I'm sure in real life you are a poor
sow, full of sexual minority complexes - so I can only advise you to consult a psychiatrist, instead of spaming full this forum with your sick ideas! :devil:

I aggre 100%