dorian's '90s NON METAL videos thread

Also, from one of my favorite albums in my youth

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RHCP's Suck My Kiss ruled.

Shit, I didn't even think about rap. I could go on for fucking years now.

Remember this one? lol

I remember getting this cd from BMG/Columbia House with one of my many fake alias accounts. You would get like 12 CD's for a penny and be required to purchase more in the future at an inflated rate. I would get the 12 cd's for a penny with a made up name and back in music. I don't think I ever even listened to this cd though. :lol:
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the NON METAL thing was just so we don't start posting Slayer videos and so I can post stuff like Sublime and get away with it.
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Korn! :lol:

I smoked alllllllot of weed listening to this album
