dorian's '90s NON METAL videos thread

lol @ the Marilyn Manson comment
Ugly Kid Joe disappeared off the face of the planet not long after that video debuted on MTV
I liked the Crash Test Dummies song "Afternoons and Coffeespoons" but "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" was super lame
I was going to post Pantera on page 1 but thought everyone would puke...but since Ken did it, so can I

they plain fuckin ruled in 1993

now I'm embarassed
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that Our Lady of Peace vocalist reminds me of this


but is much much worse
I fucking loved Weezer's first blue album. Played the shit out of it and Im not afraid to say it. Supposedly the lead dude is a Berklee grad and a tremendously talented musician but decides to this simple, catchy rock stuff. Dunno if he's a sellout or a really fucking smart.

They had another album that I enjoyed too. I think it was pinkerton or some shit but I cant remember now.
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I know everyone here hates Blues Traveler but I've always liked them. Still listen to them pretty regularly. The bassist was really good...until he OD'd and died :lol:
