dream theater sucks!?


free thinker
Jul 21, 2002
north of italy
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i have listen to new BORKNAGAR empiricism and it blow my head off.


now i know why i don't like DREAM THEATER!:puke

i think they are overrated!

first they copy(and i mean COPY!!!)meshuggah and old progressive stuffs telling to kids this is new music:(

second their pomp american attitude:cry:

third petrucci is the greatest guitar player don't make me laugh :D and listen to real solos:buckethead,thordenthal,ron thal,shawn lane

fourth the sissy vocals is like he always sing "i don't sing harsh 'cause my anus is on fire"!?eek!

real prog metal are :borknagar,atrox,opeth,provenance,vintersorg,lumsk,devin townsend


i don't know but i smell stink of false prophets !uhm!:rolleyes: :puke:
I guess you want to provoke with your harsh descriptions here...

In the end, it's just a matter of taste and not if you can label the music as progressive or not.
As for myself, I prefer DT over Meshuggah (who, in their beginnings were a cheap Metallica-copy, by the way) and the likes, but this has something to do with the fact that it is completely different music and not comparable - simply don't like it and don't think that Petrucci copies their guitarist.

It is so ridiculous that many people say DT are overrated. Those guys do really know what they do and their abilities are outstanding. Even though they don't get me rapt nowadays as much as they did a few years ago, I appreciate what they do.

After all, they have influenced lots of bands and made their impact. Can you say that about Atrox, e.g.?

"Archaic Course" is the best Borknagar album in my opinion. The new eone bores me, but again this is my opinion.

Go on wasting your time pissing people off while forcing your irrelevant thoughts upon them. There's no "My msuic is better than yours", just listen and go get a life - there more important things to discuss. I'm really sick of that.

P.S. Is Americanism a factor when it comes to assessing musical qualities? - Don't think so. ...
I don't like them at all either. I hate Rush as well.

They're both very talent-packed bands though. I can't say either of them suck, that is for certain.
I'm a pompous bastard myself, so living in America just fits my style. Having only lived in one other country, I can definitely say the US is considerably better than Canada. I can't compare to other countries, though.

And Dream Theater are excellent, although they aren't my favorite band or anything.
I love america. now if we can just change some drug laws here. either way dream theater to me are talented but they lack alot of feeling and emotion in their music. it's just all rather fake to me and not worth listening to. They are over rated. I'd rather listen Liquid Tension Experiment. Now that stuff is good!!!
Dream Theater might not be that good, but they sure are better than Borknagar's Empiricism. Olden Domain kicks the shit out of both Dream Theater and Empiricism.
Originally posted by Occam's Razor
Is Americanism a factor when it comes to assessing musical qualities? - Don't think so. ...
I'd actually say yes, inso far as many countries have an identifyable quality to their music. I mean, I can generally tell you if a band comes from England or America or Sweden or elsewhere, and this is something that is applicable to any genre really (although not necessarily to my ears)- some of the things I've thought of, I've also heard commented on in regards to classical music for instance. So I guess, if there's a particular quality that you don't like in a country's makeup, that would affect you enjoyment of it.

I may have completely missed your point though... ;)
I'm the same way . I tend to not be able to relate to metal from europe. It just sounds.... to fantasy like. :s You know , castles, knights, dragons .etc . I always picture that sorta thing when listening to it.

Originally posted by JAH
I'm the same way . I tend to not be able to relate to metal from europe. It just sounds.... to fantasy like. :s You know , castles, knights, dragons .etc . I always picture that sorta thing when listening to it.


First of all, Europe is not a country. To say that is like saying that the US and Argentina is the same thing.

Second of all, only from Sweden, where I live, there is more variation to the metal scene than there is in the US, lyrically and musically.

And on another note: Meshuggah and Dream Theater are completely different kind of bands, Meshuggah is a song oriented band, who uses their skills in a minimalistic way, they do what's best for the song, DT is (mostly) the other way around.

And John Petrucci doesn't rip off Fredrik Thordendahl, they both rip off Allan Holdsworth.
Are you sure? :wave:

No. When I meant Europe. I didn't mean a country . I meant the whole fricken thing. That's why I put it there. I think American metal is better musically. My opinion . Just sounds more realistic to me and I can relate to it cause thats where I'm from. As for Dream Theater VS Meshugah. Doesn't really matter that much to me cause the bands aren't that amazing to debate over. There are some bands that I do like over there. (NP) :}