dream theater sucks!?


free thinker
Jul 21, 2002
north of italy
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my first dangerous post!

i don't like dream theater!

i don't like their sissy singer!

i don't like honey full music they now made!

i don't see relevant progression in their style!

i only like first two albums now make me bored!

watchtower and toxik came first but all continue to say that DT are first prog metal act !

what do you think of it?:)
c'mon, people are here to discuss what they DO like - WT and SI, and their connections to other musicians. What you don't like - don't listen, no one forces you. Spend your time on what you really like.
No one sais DT are prog metal pioneers - Queensryche and Fate's Warning deserve this title, with Watchtower being the first on the other, technical, side of prog-metal spectre. But still they're great at what they do.

Please don't turn this forum into the flamewar and bashing arena, there're other places more appropriate for this.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
well, Watchtower play technical metal, not prog. Dunno toxik.

Regardless, I really enjoy most of the Dream Theater releases, but they are by no means my favorite band.

I've always consider tech-metal to be a subgenre of prog-metal.
well, in some cases there is a strong relation, but many technical bands don't sound like prog at all. There really is little similarity between Dream Theater and Meshuggah, for example. I personally don't see much relation, other than the intricacy of the music, between Dream Theater and Watchtower either. I dunno, it's hard to put into words.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
well, in some cases there is a strong relation, but many technical bands don't sound like prog at all. There really is little similarity between Dream Theater and Meshuggah, for example. I personally don't see much relation, other than the intricacy of the music, between Dream Theater and Watchtower either. I dunno, it's hard to put into words.

Well, I think Prog is a very diverse genre...

Bands don't have to sound like Dream Theater to be prog...

Dream Theater is not the end-all and be-all of Prog....

Dream Theater does not define what Prog is...
to me prog is not a genre ...but is a state of mind!:)

so i think that BORKNAGAR is prog or even EMPEROR for example 'cause they have consistent evolution in their history.

and when you think of YES in the 70's thet play almost all genres of music .

so i think that if you want to play real prog metal you have to play all kind of metal including black and extreme kind.

so for me DT is not prog at all.:rolleyes:
DT IS prog.
Their only album that is (almost) not prog at all is Falling, that was not band's decision to do but forced upon them by record label.
Not playing black metal tunes does not mean that you're not prog - Watchtower didn't play black metal either.
No one decided what is 'progressive' - this term is used to differentiate bands playing some non-mainstream, not straightforward, kind of music, usually highly technical. You can't accuse DT of lack of technical merits. If you don't like LaBrie's singing - it's up to you, but you cannot deny his merits either - he's highly professional trained operatic singer.

But still I see this whole thread, that is being repeated on many other forums, to be just an arena for one person to attract attention of everyone to just him(her?)self, and not being relevant. IMHO this is a place for music lovers, not haters. Express your hate somewhere else.
This is not the place to bash bands that are not part of the site's original intended territory. This whole thread is like 2 drunk bar patrons having a silly fight cuz they both used to date the same girl 8 years ago, and now they each revealed some dirty little secrets to each other that the girl revealed in confidentiality, now the two guys are acting tough to each other, starting some dumbass fight over something thats so far in the past. Here comes the bouncer to throw them both out, BOOM they're outside cussing and hating each other, and worst of all they missed a cupla hot chicks that walked in the club right after their expulsion. One was wearing a Spastic Ink tshirt(no bra)...
what is the meaning of this little story?:confused:

try to convince me that i have not right to express opinions on others groups than WATCHTOWER or related!?


what boring always talk of same topics!all kind of music and musicians are related in way or another.

if it is like this i leave you all and migrate somewhere else!:D

no, thanks !;)

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
I don't see the animosity in this thread. dimensionidol's trying to start some flaming, but nobody is really biting. I can certainly understand why some people wouldn't like Dream Theater (btw, I used DT as a reference for prog above because they are the subject of the thread; I'm well aware of hundreds of other prog bands). Keep on flaming if that gets you off; I don't care.
dream theater = balls
balls i say
as in the ones that hang between your legs
the very same dream theater are missing..

Come on, DT isn't that bad. Even though SDOIT and FII pretty much suck, Awake's a pretty killer CD.

I don't think DT is progressive metal, more progressive rock. But putting things, be it bands, people, ideas, beliefs or anything else, into nicely labeled boxes is a dangerous thing to do. That's how wars get started. And as a wise man once wrote:

"The onset of war
is the fall of reason
is the end of existence
is the end!"