Dream Theater - Train of Thought

Poison Godmachine said:
I'd call SX more Neoclassical Power Metal, but I guess they always get shoved under prog because the music is more complex than most bands that would fit under the previous discription.

On the back cover of some of their CD's, it says in the lower left corner "File Under Progressive Metal".

I'd classify Symphony X as Progressive Neoclassical Power Metal. When you think about it, they have MANY elements that make them prog (such as twenty minute songs, recurring themes, a concept album, etc).
A great example of this is from 0:48-1:02 on Communion and the Oracle.

One of my new favorite songs. Like, of all time.
Ressurecting this thread just to say Ive heard the entire new album, and I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE anyone interested in buying it to find the songs as mp3s or listen to someone else's copy first. I'm saying this because I don't want anyone to inadvertantly waste their money on this garbage unless they absolutely know what they're forking over their hard earned cash for. I really wanted to like this album, I really did. I won't give song reviews (too much to type out), but I'll say that As I Am is the 2nd best track on the album and leave it as that. Thats not to say there isnt some cool stuff going on, but its not nearly enough to compensate for all the incoherent wankery, nu metalness, and COUNTLESS rip offs (both stylistically and direct lifts) from other bands.

Not to sound all negative, I'll say that the very few spots where you can hear Jordan are pretty cool, and John Petrucci is, from a purely technical standpoint, the best Ive ever heard him, he's finally learned how to sweep and tap and he's inhumanly fast (supposedly he was "influenced" by Rusty Cooley for this one). Unfortunately, it seems thats all he's capable of doing anymore, as there is near zero melodic content in his solos.

Just to clear things up, I dont hate Dream Theater (A Change of Seasons will always be one of my very favorite songs), but like many of you, I was pretty dissapointed with their last effort and was hoping this would be much better. Well its not, its much worse, in fact Id go as far as to say its their worst album ever.
shredmaster said:
This is bad news, I`m not atALL interested in hearing Petrucci wanking throughout numetal crappy songs....those morons...

:guh: They're not morons you fool...... Don't say thing like that, I guess you've not heard the album! I think you're the one in this forum that is easiest influenced and trust others...... Wait until YOU hve heard the album! :Smug:
I've been listening to all of Train of Thought. While it seems to be nothing extraordinary so far, and they seem to be stuck in a mid-tempo, down-tuned FII kind of rut, I've heard enough stuff that I would want to hear again. If nothing else it will be worth it for the riffing in the last three minutes of This Dying Soul and most of the instrumental parts of Endless Sacrifice.

I'll admit, as I write this, that nu-metal opening to Honor Thy Father sounds pretty lame... More to come.
I'm rather speechless by how underwhelming this album is. Stream of Consciousness and In The Name of God just kind of went by. I'm not sure if repeated listens will make much difference. I'm known for being an incredibly discerning listener, so others may hear things differently..
Matt showed me Endless Sacrifice, and i agree with everything he said. John Petrucci even sounds like Rusty Cooley (seriously!) is some areas. His technique is far better than ever before, but his moldy in that song isn't there. Jordan is the ray of light in the song, he is really the best in the band now, so noone can blamb anything on him. The song itself, one of the worst DT songs I've heard. Theres a BIG bunch of numetal going on and the end is very Maiden (not in a good way) and the intro is just bullshit. The main riff is total numetal.

It is a shame that i think if DT dont give us another kickass album next time (no matter what direction), i think they should call it quits. That is a pity because i used to love DT, I&W and Awake are prog masterpeices, but this is just crap. And from what Yngvai said to me, the rest of the album isn't much better.
i can't believe what i'm reading.


i say, although i don't think the lead-in to Honor Thy Father is nu-metal, if DT wants to play nu-metal, then i'd rather hear them playing it well, than hearing the shyte ran into the ground by linkin limp park biscuit
The same topic is in the Chat forum and I'm going to post here what I said there (By the way, the Rap part was brought up on the fast talking part on Honor Thy Father):

I wouldn't really consider the 'rap' part rap. I mean shit, fucking listen to Just Let Me Breathe. Is he rapping there too? Doesn't sound like it to me. I listened to the whole album over and over at work today and I have to say:

I fucking love it. I heard this thing that would play a song then something from ToT and switch back and forth between different songs/parts to show the 'rip offs' that was made on ToT. Some included a couple Metallica songs, Britney Spears and older DT stuff. Who fucking cares!! I could care less if they ripped off those songs or not, DT is still and always will be my favorite band. I mean, christ, everyone uses songs, another person's as an influencial piece of music and becomes a tool for themselves. Also, I think it's badass when they bring stuff from older DT into the newer stuff. For example, SFaM......Metropolis Pt.2 I know, I know, but it's still badass that they took some shit from The Miracle and the Sleeper (Metropolis Pt. 1) along with some other simularities from IaW. Of course This Dying Soul is going to sound simular to The Glass Prison because it's technically The Glass Prison Pt. 2, steps 4-6. I also learned from a friend that Portnoy is going to write two more parts to The Glass Prison which will cover steps 7-12. 12 steps.....if you don't know, The Glass Prison is about Portnoy's past alcohol addiction.....12 steps, AA, 12 step process in AA.

Anyways, I love the new album and think it's unexpected but it's badass. I've been listening to DT for 11-12 years (yeah, since I was like 8) and look forward to listening to them for many years to come. And yeah, Petrucci is still my idol.
Polyeidus said:
i can't believe what i'm reading.


i say, although i don't think the lead-in to Honor Thy Father is nu-metal, if DT wants to play nu-metal, then i'd rather hear them playing it well, than hearing the shyte ran into the ground by linkin limp park biscuit

Why is DT playing it any better than the other nu metal bands out there? Because they're DT and they're technical musicians? The chorus to endless sacrifice doesn't sound any harder to play than any other nu metal Ive heard.
Oh c'mon, get your head out of DT's ass, you dont call the chorus of Endless Sacrifice Linkin Park?