Dream Theater

Their singer, James LaBrie, acquired acute food-poisoning some place in Asia, Thailand I believe, and as a result suffered serious vocal scarring sometime in the mid-90s. He didn't fully recover until a year or two ago. Don't form your opinions of him based on how he sounded live or on albums before he recovered. I saw him live last summer and he's better than ever.
Tubbs Mcgee said:

Metropolis Part 1
Caught In A Web (Definitely)
The Mirror
Pull Me Under
Only A Matter Of Time
A Change Of Seasons
In The Name Of God
Hell's Kitchen
Beyond This Life
One Last Time
The Spirit Carries On
Lines In The Sand

I had to pick 15, 10 is not enough.

But why did you have to make this thread? :cry: You know I'm probably going to complain about someone's remark and then start another stupid flame war. :(

You're just the best person to ask is all. If it was a different band I'd ask someone else.
derbeder said:
does anyone else like dt's cover of perfect strangers? it blows my socks off.
Lol, I was listening to that song when I read this post.

Funny coincidences.

Their singer, James LaBrie, acquired acute food-poisoning some place in Asia, Thailand I believe, and as a result suffered serious vocal scarring sometime in the mid-90s. He didn't fully recover until a year or two ago. Don't form your opinions of him based on how he sounded live or on albums before he recovered. I saw him live last summer and he's better than ever.
Listen to this guy.
I dont understand why i DT are so low on everyones oppinion these days.I myself didnt like octavarium or train of thought that much but come on... Scenes from a memory,awake and I&W are very good albums.I dont even think theyre showing off all that much,its just something that stuck as a label to them since forever.La brie surely isnt a worthy vocalist in terms of interpretation but he has in some weird way managed to add to the sound of DT in a good way.Anyway i really like DT and cant see why people hate them so much
farren said:
Their singer, James LaBrie, acquired acute food-poisoning some place in Asia, Thailand I believe, and as a result suffered serious vocal scarring sometime in the mid-90s. He didn't fully recover until a year or two ago. Don't form your opinions of him based on how he sounded live or on albums before he recovered. I saw him live last summer and he's better than ever.

his voice was irritating on the 2005 album :erk:

for the record, i dont hate Dream Theater, i do like quite a bit of their stuff.

I'm not a fan of LaBrie's voice though...or most of teh solos.
There is a very good reason why people (myself included) worship dream theater

A change of seasons
Learning to Live
The glass prison
There is a very good reason why people (myself included) worship dream theater

A change of seasons
Learning to Live
The glass prison
farren said:
Their singer, James LaBrie, acquired acute food-poisoning some place in Asia, Thailand I believe, and as a result suffered serious vocal scarring sometime in the mid-90s. He didn't fully recover until a year or two ago. Don't form your opinions of him based on how he sounded live or on albums before he recovered. I saw him live last summer and he's better than ever.

i heard this was only fan fiction? :confused:
Powers said:
I'm listening and I've yet to be amazed. "Pull me Under" is nice but far from the masterpiece i was expecting. Yea...good band but not awesome.

thats because you are listenen to a mediocre song of theres! put on something from that era like:

Take The Time
Metropolis Pt. 1
Learning to Live
A Change of Seasons
Blind Faith
Don Corleone said:
i heard this was only fan fiction? :confused:

It wasn't in Asia, but in Cuba, and he didn't just scar his vocal chords, he ruptured one. So yes, it's actually worse. From his wiki:

"In 1994, while vacationing in Cuba, Labrie had very bad food poisoning and while vomiting, he ruptured a vocal chord. Two weeks later he had to go on tour again, with his voice not strong and cracking frequently. He went to several specialists who said the damage would take a while to heal. James also had surgery before going on tour. He finally started to get his voice back in 2002 and returned to just about full power in 2005. Many critics unaware of this event have given him much criticism on live albums such as Once in a Livetime and Live Scenes From New York."

You'll have no problem finding other sources.
"When dream and day unite" and "Images and words" are all you need really. I also recommend the dvd "Images and words - Live in Tokyo". James LaBrie is definitely one of the best metal singers. Saw him last year, both on solo tour and with DT. Live, his voice still sends shivers down my spine. After the release of "Images and words", the band should have re-recorded "WDADU" with James, IMO.