Dream Theater

There can be art in a performance, or appreciation of being in the presence of the musicians and hearing the music you like in the most direct way possible. If live music is merely entertainment, then you may as well attend a pop concert.
I think that just about every single thing that Dream Theater has ever done is VERY memorable, yet TECHNICAL. This is the sign of a truly great band. They are perfectionists, especially live. I just wish more people would give "Awake" a few good spins on a good stereo system before bashing them & resorting to the "day masterbate s0 much i cant stand et" kind of false claims.

I'm a musician & I pay close attention to detail of the instruments in music. I think that "6DoIT" & "Octavarium" were their weakest outings, but "Train of Thought" is the only album they were ever guilty of 'masturbating' on to a noticeable degree.
I heard Train of Thought awile back and only liked the instrumental song because the vocalist is really terrible. I also did not find the band as musically impressive as people into the band make it out to be. I would not check out another album purely because the vocalist.

You should get "Awake". You seem to be all over the spectrum with your tastes. I'm sure you will really like this one. "ToT" is nowhere near as good as their early stuff.

With Dream Theater, it's just the whole progginess aspect of it. They go way too overboard, and each song ends up sounding fucking indecisive and disjointed.

You obviously haven't heard too awful much of their stuff. Dream Theater have some more feeble minded short hook laden songs too. Not every song is 10 minutes long. I don't know how ANYONE except Pop/Rap fans could dislike a band because their songs are longer than 4 minutes though.
I don't like ToT. I am a Dream Theater fan, and I like most of their stuff, but ToT has more annoying wankery than any of the other albums, in my opinion.
Not only are there more solos in Train of Thought but they are also the worst solos Dream Theater have ever recorded. Usually, even in their most self-indulgent moments, Dream Theater's music is intricately planned and flawlessly executed--these guys know their shit and know what they're doing. With Train of Thought, I think they weren't really on top of things all the time, because they wrote the whole fucking album in two weeks. Why would you spend only two weeks writing an album?
Yeah I never have enjoyed his live voice much, very illegible.

and he screams more than sings the old songs. I think that's the reason of the medley in their shows.

You haven't heard any bootlegs from their latest tour, have you? He doesn't sound exactly like he used to, because he's 45 years old, but he hits all the high notes now and sings with conviction. My only real complaint is that he tends to drawl vowels into an "eh" sound ("sex sex sex! The number of the beast!").

i comprehends it, but as a technical singer, he should can do it with more elegance. just observe Dio and Gillan and confirm what i'm talking about.
I don't like Ian Gillan as much at all, and Dio is in considerably worse shape than LaBrie is (probably because he's 65 instead of 45).
You obviously haven't heard too awful much of their stuff. Dream Theater have some more feeble minded short hook laden songs too. Not every song is 10 minutes long. I don't know how ANYONE except Pop/Rap fans could dislike a band because their songs are longer than 4 minutes though.
I have two of their albums, Train of Thought and Octavarium. Only a couple of songs on the latter really struck me as memorable, and that's being generous.

Also, I love long songs. Albums like And Justice For All, and Nagelfar's Virus West demonstrate this quite well.

It's just that in general, Dream Theater is too wanky and all-over-the-place for me.
Yeah, Octavarium is fucking awful. Train of Thought is good though. I have no idea why that album gets so much hate.

I recommend I&W to anyone who is starting to get into DT though, just to be safe.
Oh yes! Judge a band by their two worst albums, a grand idea! Buy Images And Words.
Because I obviously know that those are the bands two worst albums. :rolleyes:

I'll check out I&W. But if it fails, I don't think I'm going to keep giving the band chances like that.
Why does everyone hate Octavarium? It'd be nice if someone could explain what's so bad about that album... I think it's quite awesome.