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Not being afraid to die is very stupid in my book. Also, being prepared to die for what you believe in does not include hopping on a plane, getting to the other side of the world, just to kill someone you have never seen before, or get killed by someone you have never seen before
1. Thank you for your service, sir

2. I don't agree with the war, but what's the point of throwing the blame on the soldier who's just trying to make his life better for himself and his future family? I can't imagine the horrors of war, but I'd guess there is no room left for fucking politics on the battlefield.

3. Props to you for knowing your life plan.

4. Be safe, don't do anything stupid and everyone from war says bring extra socks, so bring fucking extra socks!
Zack said:
1. Thank you for your service, sir

2. I don't agree with the war, but what's the point of throwing the blame on the soldier who's just trying to make his life better for himself and his future family? I can't imagine the horrors of war, but I'd guess there is no room left for fucking politics on the battlefield.

3. Props to you for knowing your life plan.

4. Be safe, don't do anything stupid and everyone from war says bring extra socks, so bring fucking extra socks!

Wow, you're the only person so far who understands my situation. I live a normal everyday life just like you guys, I work, I play sports, just like you, except one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year I have military duty where I drive about an hour and a half away from where I live for the weekend. I'm just a normal college dude. I'm not gonna torture anyone, nor do I get off from seeing it, and no they did not show us any torture videos, its just basic operations in Iraq they showed us.

I'm not exactly a big fan of the war, like I believe I said, I'm just doing my enlistment, getting out and finishing college if I have any left, since I'm working on my 4 year degree right now, sure I'm only a semester into it, but its a start, and then just going on with my life, but I am very proud to be part of the best the United States has when it comes to defending our country, that is all, didn't mean to cause such a stir.
Defending is when someone invades your teritory,not the other way around...don't misunderstood,I admire you for doing that, but I will never understand people who can go willingly and kill or get killed
Rincewind said:
Defending is when someone invades your teritory,not the other way around...don't misunderstood,I admire you for doing that, but I will never understand people who can go willingly and kill or get killed

I didn't sign the dotted line to die, and I'm not willing to die, but I'm willing to do whatever I can to keep this place free and a good place for me and my future children.
Maybe he's not afraid to die.
Maybe those who die are luckier/better off than those who go back home cripple.

That said, welcome aboard mrhockeyrathbun, and i hope you return home alive, whole and healthy.
Well to end all this drama over something that doesn't affect any of your personal lives, I'm sorry I joined the Military to those opposers of my decision (even though I'm not), and thank you for the support from the people who understand my decision, I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
Hockey- Your welcome :) (Do you have a shorter name we can refer to you by?) Really, be safe, you seem like a very nice guy and it'd be a shame for you to have anything bad happen to you prematurely. Keep those socks with you ;)

Everyone else-

My dad and I just had this looong talk about the events leading up to this war, I'm gonna post it in the your writing thread. I think it's so interesting, maybe you will to.

Edit- Hockey, I don't think they are mad at you for joining, rather upset that you are enlisting for a "dangerous" job in your youth. Again, I support your desicion :)
Zack said:
Hockey- Your welcome :) (Do you have a shorter name we can refer to you by?) Really, be safe, you seem like a very nice guy and it'd be a shame for you to have anything bad happen to you prematurely. Keep those socks with you ;)

Everyone else-

My dad and I just had this looong talk about the events leading up to this war, I'm gonna post it in the your writing thread. I think it's so interesting, maybe you will to.

Edit- Hockey, I don't think they are mad at you for joining, rather upset that you are enlisting for a "dangerous" job in your youth. Again, I support your desicion :)

You could just call me Hockey if you want, my real name is Andrew, whatever works. I'm confident about me going to Iraq because I'm going with a buncha guys who know how to look out for each other and I'm doing the same, we don't want any casualties and we're gonna do whatever we can to prevent them, we all wanna come back in one piece :)
Ah, I see. So lets get to music :) What are your other tastes?
Zack said:
Ah, I see. So lets get to music :) What are your other tastes?

Well, if you check out my audioscrobbler link in my signature, you can see what I listen to mostly, but as for non metal, I like the Beatles, Bob Marley, Ace of Base, Lil Wayne, Dr. Dre, Boston, Disturbed, Godsmack, Shinedown, Trapt, Old Eminem, Motley Crue, Pearl Jam, and the Scorpions. Although, I don't listen to the above as much as I do metal. I was raised with metal, Sweating Bullets by Megadeth was my first metal song at age 5 \m/
^As free as it can get. It's still pretty fucked up with all the wire tapping, but it's as good as it's gonna get.
Ooo, I thought you were talking about something else. All clear now :)
Ok, I'm gonna post mine, but I have to put this here first to let the tension set