dt forum members pictures page.

well, mrwhateveryournameis, I cannot help but think you wouldn't have volunteered in a million years if you had the commonest of senses and a bit more knowledge about what your country is about, yet I suppose at this point that doesn't really matter. just go there and try to come back as sane and alive as possible.

good luck guy.
Yeah, I think I'm done talking about this, I've had to deal with this kinda shit way too much in real life and last thing I need is to relive on the internet. I dunno if any of you realize, but when I get back next year, I'll be literally 40-50k richer, and I dunno how you made at 18/19/20, but that seems pretty damn good. Thats another reason why I'm pumped for going.
yeah, when you come back you won't have any troubles affording college.

but seriously, honor and patriotism and freedom and shit... those are mere excuses. right now you just sounded like a mercenary, don't know if you realized that.

but anyway, who cares? maybe you really need the money. do you?
QRV said:
yeah, when you come back you won't have any troubles affording college.

but seriously, honor and patriotism and freedom and shit... those are mere excuses. right now you just sounded like a mercenary, don't know if you realized that.

but anyway, who cares? maybe you really need the money. do you?

Yeah, its hard finding the right wording for this type of thing, not to mention trying to get civilians to think the same way we do, its a task in itself. They just don't see things the same way we do, they haven't been through what we have, and I dunno, it's just hard to explain, and I apologize for that, but I'm done with this topic now, I'd much rather prefer talking about Dark Tranquillity, the reason I joined these forums, than talking about the military and me.
Kurt: Let's drop it, shall we? You'll have time for this when he becomes a regular. Don't scare him off on his first week.

mrhockeyrathbun12 said:
Diablo II is an incredible game, can't wait for III, if it even comes out, I've heard rumors about it though, thats enough to get me pumped, haha.
Well, D2's storyline ends with the destruction of all evil (except for two of the lesser evils, but come on, making a game about two lesser evils is stupid after you've made a game about the other two and the three prime evils). I'd much rather see StarCraft 2 than Diablo III.
Yes :( I'm sure the blizzard people can come up with a new storyline, they are very good
Maybe a new thread out this whole war in Iraq thing should be made...? It's quite an interesting topic, and it'd be interesting to see points of view on the subject from all over the world.
Go ahead and make it; it's a good idea (though i think there's already a USA politics thread somewhere). I won't post in it, but only because i've become tired of the whole subject. You can find my thoughts on it on that other thread. If i find it i'll dig it up for you.