dt forum members pictures page.

Claudia: I don't get if you want me to include that on the pictures page or if you're just being funny.

Keyy: I can only open the first pix. I'm on a Mac with the Safari browser and a very shitty IE. Can you host it somewhere else? If not, no worries; i can download it at uni on tuesday and use a memory stick.
My most recent face. Dates from april 22. I had a few drinks, I usually don't look so intelligent and wise.

alex: i was being showoffish rather than funny. but no, don't include that on the page, i'd rather have a pic featuring my face. sorry for the confusion :)
Keyy said:
O_o I think you definetly confused me with someone else :)
My hair is black, brown at most, and i don't have any swedish relatives nor i've ever been there even if i'd love to :waah:
Oh my god, i'm so dumb! When you asked me if i was the blonde one, i thought you were referring to some picture that you saw some other time, i completely forgot that in my picture there was also a blonde girl! So i was like "mmm i don't look bonde...maybe she confused me with somebody that colored his hair!" Sorry!!! -you probably didn't notice it, but i had to apologize ^^
Anyway, I LOVE YOUR HAIR! I want it like that but i'd feel naked!

Ahaha it feels kind of cool that everybody thought i was a guy!! :lol: I wonder why though O_o
@King Chaos: O_o
@Everybodyelse: thanks for the cute ^^ But of course one shows pictures in which looks better than actually is
@Undo: if it opened the other flickr one, this should work http://static.flickr.com/55/146164343_70c3fa9ff3_o.jpg
Sorry for the browser problems :cry:
@RampageSword: you look like you are gonna swear to the guy that's taking the picture :lol:
@rahve: the split personality issue makes me think of a mind-boggling discussion i had with a colleague on friday. do you think that - stylistic concerns aside - one can say per il secondo anno di seguito in italian? i maintain you can't, it doesn't make any sense really. same argument goes for per il secondo anno consecutivo - to what? still, it's something that people say.
Eh?? I didn't get the all secondo anno di seguito/consecutivo discussion...it doesn't make much difference to me, it's just that consecutivo is a more "fine" way to say it? don't know
Anyway, i don't have any split personality, it's just that right now i'm living in Minnesota USA, as an exchange student for a year, but italy is my motherland, so here's solved the mistery ^^
That i know in italy we don't have that parking thing, at least in Vigevano, so i wanted a picture with it...It looks pretty dumby, but it was cool :lol:
Do you guys know Vigevano?
@hyena: well, isn't there a difference based on whether the event you're speaking of actually occurs once per year or more often than that? in the former case, you're right: in a row doesn't apply because there is no row concerning something that happened once. but if - say - a weekly magazine started being printed in colors in 2005, and it still is, then this has to be the second year in a row. as opposed to, for instance, a 2004 (colors) - 2005 (b&w) - 2006 (colors) pattern, which is also a possibility.

@keyy: i had no idea you were a fellow country(wo)man as well. you should have told me. see, i'm monitoring the italian population on this board very closely for the purpose of at some point overnumbering the scandinavian. ;) i might have been to vigevano once or twice, but i can't say i know the place, no.
Ahah, i guess is gonna be hard to overnumber the scandinavian! How many are we so far?
It surprises me that you've been to Vigevano! Doesn't have much things to be famous for...Well, so nice to meet a fellow country man (?)
You guys anyway are too words-use picky :P
@keyy: i spent a lot of time in pavia for work reasons, therefore i happen to have been to vigevano and i also know the exceptional thunder road of codevilla.

@rahvin: well, di seguito is supposed to mean following [something], as in uno di seguito all'altro, or in phrases like ho sentito queste due canzoni di seguito meaning one following the other, only the pronouns are omitted. but il secondo anno di seguito leaves me wondering what on earth is the first year following - just one of the two years, namely the second, is di seguito, whereas the expression literally means that both years are di seguito... but not in the only sensible reading, i.e. they follow each other.

edit: that's where i think your explanation does not apply, in the sense that di seguito does not sound to me similar to in a row, but rather to following [sthg].
I just had this weird image of a sad little grammar nazi, masturbating over a dictionnary, omitting a sigh when he is done :hypno:
Taliesin said:
I just had this weird image of a sad little grammar nazi, masturbating over a dictionnary, omitting a sigh when he is done :hypno:
That's a pretty gross picture...

hyena said:
@keyy: i spent a lot of time in pavia for work reasons, therefore i happen to have been to vigevano and i also know the exceptional thunder road of codevilla.
Uh, i see! I think i've been there once, but i don't really remember it, i guess u like it though