dt forum members pictures page.

Most of the images you post are too small, damnit, sole! The one with yourself is ok though. You look totally different from my mental picture of you, but still ok. :D
@marduk click on theimage I posted before and soon a biger one will apear in a new window...Im to lazy to shrink my pics so I like to use the thumbnail function of imageshack. click on the pic damnit!!
anyway I also expected something other from your posts but you and your wife look cool
^Yeah but bees have a natural advantage : You don't see a lot of people lethally allergic to shark bites, do you?
Besides, bees are insects, not animals.
Hello to all

pic of me:


Name: Gergana
Location: Germany and very rarely Bulgaria
@sole: thanks a lot, man, a really nice photo! I am ashamed to admit that, but I use the mighty IE. :D Its nice to attach a face to what you read, I hope we meet some day. :)
UndoControl said:
Gergana: Pretty in an unconventional way (which means not-clichéd-blonde-anorexic-style and is good).

rahvin said:
man, you just called her fat. :p

actually it doesn't matter....I'm not a modell to be appraised for my external appearance ;)

I just insert the pic for the same reason as the other did - you may assign a face now to me :Spin:
@geri: hi. i was joking.

@marduk: i really wouldn't know how to. delete posts? move them to the thread about romans and vikings? it seems much simpler to just stop derailing the thread if you (and i don't mean you specifically) don't want the thread derailed.