Dumbest Hobbies Inventory

How can anyone hate dancing or find it pointless. Movement is possibly the ultimate form of expression not to mention all the health benefits...

I guess thinking about it really I don't think there's a dumbest hobby, but if I had to choose maybe hanging out in malls. Hate those places n there's just so much stuff I coud care to look at.
i hate dancing because I'm an awkward white person and I don't have rhythm

i don't care about metal detecting. It might make more sense in this country though, because there are over a thousands years worth of metal things under there somewhere, including gold and stuff.

i play computer games sometimes, now that is pointless. Good though. Especially good RPGs, which are kind of rare actually.
What the fuck, I have NEVER seen anybody doing "metal detecting".
Nah I think you kinda ended the thread at the beginning with the stupidest possible example, I cant think of something dumber than betting on sports when you barely watch anyway, let alone betting on sports anyway. Grats.

Well I guess I'm capable of not taking things too seriously unlike the complete cunt that's you.
Dancing is boring as hell. I can get the same health benefits from a good run and not be as bored. I have rhythm, but jerking body limbs around aimlessly seems pretty foolish and narcissistic (when done publicly).

As much as I love most board/dice/card games, I find CCGs (collectible card games) incredibly dumb. This includes MTG, Yugioh, etc. Not necessarily because of the game mechanics, but because of the "collectible" side of it. What this means is when you buy a pack, you have no idea what you are getting, and may get nothing you want. What a damn waste. Also, you get the concept of "rares" introduced, which can be obtained for a small fortune by those with plenty of money to blow, giving them a potential significant advantage you may have no access to. LCGs are a far superior format if you want to play a similar type of game. Always know exactly what you are getting, no match skewing rares, etc.
You can play trading card games without buying any cards though, via computer games. Pokemon, Yugioh and MTG all have computer game versions. The pokemon one is a single old Game boy colour game, but it is actually quite good once you get used to it.
WTF is wrong with dancing? :lol: Dorks. And as dorky as cosplay can be, the amount of work that goes into making the costumes, etc. is pretty amazing.

A lame hobby...collecting rubber stamps? Baseball cards? Boring.
I think the styles of socially acceptable dancing to pop music that were around in the 1980s were easy to do, even if they look goofy. Now dancing is quite hard. I can't do it, so fuck it, frankly.